Chapter 11: The Gangs All Here

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Longer, juicier chapter! Please enjoy!!! VOTE AND COMMENT

I woke up the next morning, my eyes crusty from the dried tears from the night before, and the sadness I felt now replaced with strong guilt

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I woke up the next morning, my eyes crusty from the dried tears from the night before, and the sadness I felt now replaced with strong guilt. I rub my eyes in hope to remove some of the gross bits stuck to my eyelashes.

"Are you feeling any better?" a soft voice speaks from beside me, startling me.

"Jeez Owen, give a guy some warning that you are around," I panted out, my heart beating a million miles an hour. I turned my head toward him to see him still curled up in bed with me, he was laying on his side facing me with a large amount of space between us. Because of my crying last night I was put into a very deep sleep, not even waking up once until now. And I couldn't help but wonder if Owen ended up cuddling up against me again.

"I feel slightly better, not looking forward to another night with Preston," I speak up, finally answering his question.

"We can invite your friends over tonight, having a little friends hang out. You wouldn't have to worry about Preston then."

"That's actually a really good idea," I say, reaching across Owen to grab my phone off the bedside table. He seemed to freeze up when I hovered over him, but I think he just doesn't enjoy people invading his personal bubble.

I can see him shake his head from the corner of my eye before he sits upright, "Ouch, what is that supposed to mean? I have good ideas all the time, thank you very much," he says with a deep laugh. He hops out of bed and heads to the bathroom and comes back out moments later with a toothbrush hanging from his mouth.

I pull my attention back to my phone and send a quick mass text to Adian, Mateo, Sadie, and Raelynn. I hope they are all free because I really, really need a good night to get my feelings and mind back in the right place. Mateo, per usual, answers almost right away with his predictable 'Hell ya bro' text. I love the kid to death, his predictability is my favorite thing about him. Raelynn answer is next with a sweet message saying she would love to join and her classic ending of two black heart emojis. Adian only answers with a brief 'down' and Sadie replies with a snarky comment about being woken up by her phone blowing up, but with another hell ya answer.

"They all said they are good to come over tonight," I tell Owen while crawling out of bed to brush my teeth as well, "Is there anyone you want to invite?"

He seems to be thinking about his answer as he slowly pulls the brush out of his mouth and spits lightly into the sink, "Nah, this is a night for you. I don't think any of the kids I've made friends with would make the night any better."

Once I finish brushing my teeth I head into my room and quickly got dressed for the day, thinking about a good plan for tonight. A knock on my bedroom door brings me back to reality and when I say come in I was for some reason surprised to see Preston.

"Hey, kid! I wanted to apologize for last night, I don't remember a thing but I know I drank way too much, meaning I probably did something stupid," he says with a slight chuckle. Boy, if he only knew the dumb things he did. At that moment I decided he didn't need to know the truth, it would be better that way.

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