Chapter 5: Confessions From a Gay Teen

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It starts to get late and I hear the words I have been dreading since I saw the look in Owen's eyes, "We best be heading out now," the words came from my sister's mouth

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It starts to get late and I hear the words I have been dreading since I saw the look in Owen's eyes, "We best be heading out now," the words came from my sister's mouth.

"Already?" I say looking at the clock, 10 PM, "It's not even that late yet?"

"It's 10 o'clock you big dork," Preston chuckles next to me, "See ya later kid and nice to meet you, Owen." His hand tussles my hair as he nods bye to Owen. My sister quickly gives a round of hugs to everyone and they are out the door. I run to my room as fast as I can, shouting a quick goodnight to everyone, if I get to my room before Owen can catch me I won't have to talk to him until later.

"I think that is the fastest I have ever seen you move," Owen deeply chuckles from behind me. I honestly don't even know how he caught up to me.

"Can you just leave it alone," I sighed, hoping to halt this conversation.

"Just talk to me! I'm not as judgemental as I might have led on earlier," Owen insisted, his voice soft and sweet. I opened my bedroom door and nodded my head for him to follow me. "So you are gay?"

"Yep that's me, your disgusting, gay foster brother," I hissed.

"You really don't listen, do you. I am not judgemental. You being gay does not bug me in the slightest," he replies.

"Then why were you so smug at dinner?"

"Because you have the hots for your sister's fiance, that's fucking gold!" Owens laugh echoes around my small room.

I give in, telling Owen the story of Preston, trying to get him to see that my crush on Preston started before April and he was even dating. It was hard, I had never told anyone the entire story before because I obviously didn't want my family to know about it, that would just be weird.

"Dude, that is rough," Owen consoled with a deep frown, "Look, man, can we start over? I know I was a jackass before but I think you are a pretty ok dude." His hand extends out to me and I hesitantly take it.

"Sounds good to me," I reply, letting go of his hand. Owen spends the next hour talking to each other and actually talking, not being rude or fighting but talking like normal teenagers. It was pleasant and I actually enjoyed it a lot. Learning more about Owen fascinated me, although parts of his life growing up in foster homes was horrible and sad, others were beyond amazing. Families took him traveling, got him cool things. He opened up and told me about a family he was with for almost eight years, from 4 until 12, he thought they were going to adopt him. But, when his foster father lost his job they couldn't afford to adopt a child and eventually had to move, leaving Owen behind. From then on he moved from home to home, in five years he was with six different families, ours being the sixth. He told me we are the nicest family he has been within the last 3 years, being in the system as a teenager left social services with few options and many of them were not good.

We eventually said goodnight to each other with Owen heading off to his own room. I had a huge smile on my face when I woke up in the morning, being friends with him seemed like a great idea. All I wanted from the time I saw him was to be friends with him. I mean I would be lying if I was to say that I didn't think he was kinda attractive but there are rules and you can't be in a relationship with a foster sibling. Plus, we barely made it to the friendship stage, trying to make it the relationship one would be practically impossible. I don't even know why I am thinking like this! It isn't even worth it.

I quickly got ready and ran downstairs to get some breakfast before heading to school with Owen. My mom has kindly enough made us all breakfast, pancakes with bacon and eggs. My mouth was watering before I even made it into the kitchen.

"Hey dude," Owen greeted, earning a smile and a head nod from me.

"Did you both just acknowledge each other? NICELY?" my mother shouts from across the kitchen. Owen and I both laugh at her before silence takes over the room as we stuff our faces with the breakfast my mom made us.

The walk to school with Owen was pleasant, we talked more about each other, he asked about my friends and if any of them knew I was gay. Mateo actually does but he is the only one. I am pleasantly surprised at how accepting and sweet Owen is being with my sexuality. It makes me happy and maybe slightly braver to open up to more people. I know times are changing but some people will never be able to change and I don't think I can handle what they might say to me if they ever find out.

Most of school went by quickly, Owen and I even talked to each other in class which I could tell others thought was strange. Soon enough it was lunchtime and Owen and I wondered up to my group of friends, laughing at a joke he told about our math teacher.

"Woah, you guys don't look like you are trying to kill each other," Mateo comments as we sit down at the table. I roll my eyes about to respond when Sadie runs up to the table shouting.

"GUYS! Jennings is having a party tonight and guess who got us all invited!"

"Probably the girl that is screaming like a crazy person," I reply, rubbing my ears.

"Oh don't be an ass, but yes it was me! Are you guys down?" she squeals, earning us a few confused looks. Mateo, Adian, and Raelynn all quickly agree to go to the party. All eyes turning to me and Owen for our answers.

"It could be fun," I say, "Are you down Owen?"

"Ya. Is your mom gunna be ok with it?"

"I'll just tell her we are hanging out with the gang and sleeping over at Mateo's. She will go for it, I sleepover at his house all the time."

We all excitedly make plans for the party. Sadie and Raelynn insist we show up at her house at 8 o'clock sharp to 'prepare' for the party. Meaning us guys will be sitting around waiting for the girls to get ready for the party while we get to be bored. 

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