Chapter 8: Hot and Bothered

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To say the least, things have been awkward between me and Owen

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To say the least, things have been awkward between me and Owen. Well, I don't even know if that is really true, I think things are awkward for me but I don't know if they are that awkward for Owen, he's been acting pretty normal. I've seriously never met someone who could be so normal after someone else has seen them completely naked! I just can't wait for tomorrow when I get to escape the awkwardness with school. This weekend has honestly been one of the worst, which is so wrong on so many levels, weekends are supposed to be fun.

I hear a slight knock on the bathroom door and mumble a quick come in, knowing who it was. I've been easing up on the entire avoiding Owen thing, trying to ease any unnecessary tension between us.

But of course Owen has other plans, he walks into my room-shirtless, "can you help me with something?"

"Can you put a shirt on?" I retort back.

"No," he chuckles, "why is it bugging you?"

"I would just prefer you had a shirt on that's all."

"Have you ever been with a guy?" He blurts out.

"Pretty sure you know the answer to that question," I glare at him hoping he takes the hint.

"I only know about you realizing you were gay because of Preston. You didn't tell me anything else," he retorts with a duh tone in his voice, "so how many guys?"

"How many girls have you been with," I snap back, it's none of his goddamn business.

"Never been in a relationship, pretty hard when you never know how long you will be in one place. Been with a few girls other than that," he answers with a smug look, "your turn."

"Never been in a relationship, never been with anyone," I say quietly, wanting to go back to avoiding him.

He walks over slowly and sits on the bed, only leaving about an inch or so between us, "are you a virgin?" He whispers softly to me, leaning in, his minty breath fanning my face.

"W-what are you doing?"

He leans in closer and my eyes instinctively close but his lips never meet mine, instead they brush against my ear as he whispers, "proving you were jealous because you are attracted to me."

I blink a few times at him taking in what he said but before I could react he was up and out of my room. I was confused, why was he doing this to me, why couldn't he just leave me alone. He was toying with me and it just wasn't fair or ok. It was time to put an end to his stupid little game.

Without further hesitation, I storm through our combined bathroom straight into his room, "What the hell is wrong with you? How many fucking times do I have to remind you that I was in fact not jealous and I'm not at all into you? It's ridiculous, I feel like you are suffocating me and I just want you to leave me alone."

A few seconds go by of him just staring at me with a playful look in his eyes, "I don't believe you, Matt."

"I do not like you," I say in the most convincing voice I can muster.

"Prove it," he whispers, his eyes never leaving mine, a deep chuckle echoes in my ears, "Kiss me."

The stupid, playful look never leaves his eyes and I find myself struggling to decide if he is joking or not. But before I can think about it anymore my body moves on its own. In the flash of an eye, my lips are attached to his. My goal was to give a quick peck and back off, that was all I needed to do to prove it to him. Yet, the feeling of his soft, full lips drew me in deeper, his soft stubble rubbing against my chin and palm locked me in place, and then the unexpected, his lips moving back against mine, made me never want to stop.

His hand found the back of my neck, pulling me closer, deepening the kiss as his tongue dove into my mouth. A sigh escaped my lips, it was so soft and quiet that I wouldn't even be sure I made the noise if I didn't feel the rumble of it against my throat. It felt completely foreign to me that I would even make such a sexual noise without meaning to or even realizing I was doing it. My sigh, though quiet, was loud enough to shock Owen back to reality. As fast as the kiss was started, it ended with a rough push to my shoulders which sent me toppling over, crashing down onto the ground.

"What the fuck?" Owen yelled, glaring down at me, "It was a fucking joke, why would you kiss me?" I stayed silent, afraid to answer his question. The look in his eyes was enough to scare me but I was stuck in the spot I now inhabited on the floor, "ANSWER ME!" He yelled again this time taking a few steps closer to me.

"I don't know, you just told me to do it so, I guess I did," I whispered, unable to look him in the eyes. I was afraid that if I did he would know the truth. And the truth was that I was undeniably attracted to him and I wanted nothing more than to kiss him again and again.

"You disgust me," he spat, "you know I'm not gay and yet you blatantly get all hot and bothered whenever I'm around." his words came down on me hard, but not nearly as hard as his fist when it connected with the side of my head. "Get out of my room. If you ever come near me again, it won't be just one punch."

I stand as fast as I can and wobble back through the bathroom to the safety of my own room. My head was throbbing and my chest was aching. I should have never confronted the stupid asshole, I should of just let him tease me because that would be entirely better than the humiliation I feel right now. I flopped down on my bed and let a single tear fall, it could be from the pain caused by his fist or from the words he said. As it rolled down my cheek I felt completely and totally the weakest I have ever been in my life.

I laid in silence for a while, my brain going 100 miles an hour, thinking back to the kiss, the punch, his words, all of it, and something isn't adding up. I fly up, sitting on the edge of my bed, realization sinking in.

"The fucking bastard kissed me back," I whisper out loud to the emptiness of my room.

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