Chapter 19: Is this love?

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The feeling of going back to school knowing that I was in fact now someone's boyfriend and that someone is another boy has me feeling kind of sick

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The feeling of going back to school knowing that I was in fact now someone's boyfriend and that someone is another boy has me feeling kind of sick. I didn't know what I was supposed to do, neither of us is officially out. In the past when I was dating girls I would hold their hands and make sure it was known that we were, in fact, a thing. But we aren't out so I'm not sure if that is even what we are supposed to do. Not to mention that we haven't been hanging out at school the past few weeks so was I supposed to hang with him or the new friends I had made.

I was so stressed about this I barely slept last night. The logical and simple solution would be just asking Matt what he thought would be best, but for some reason, I was afraid that if I asked him anything he would be offended. I know it is stupid but I do not want to ruin the best thing to have ever happened to me.

I wandered into the bathroom, smiling brightly at the perfect boy standing in front of the sink. He is truly a wonderful human and I'm just over the moon that he and his family are in my life.

"Morning," I softly spoke, my morning voice on full force, something I know he really enjoys. When I got close enough to him, I placed a soft kiss on his forehead. I liked being able to wake up and have him being just a room away from me. I mean I also hoped that I would also be able to wake up with him in my arms, but I wasn't going to push my luck with his parents.

"Good morning," he giggled at me, "I guess April and Preston are coming over for dinner tonight, so prepare yourself to be bombarded with hugs from my sister when she finds out we are officially together." My heart fluttered thinking about how wonderful his family has been to me and how much love they show me. It flutters, even more, when I think about the fact that when I marry this boy his family will be mine and I will finally have the family I have always longed for.

We got ready for the day, side by side, and soon enough the two of us were walking to school. We didn't hold hands or anything but we walked close enough to each other that every once in awhile our hands bumped. It felt nice and it was all I needed as far as public displays of affection and from the smile, on Matt's face, I knew he felt the same.

School is boring as normal, the only bright moments are seeing Matt or one of his friends and even my new friends. Even their typically annoying habits didn't faze me a bit. We were nearing lunch and I knew I had a decision to make. Was I supposed to sit with Matt or was I supposed to sit with the guys I have been sitting with? I should have really just talked to Matt instead of being a dumb ass and deciding I could just figure it out myself.

As the bell rang I decided I would walk to my locker first and decide where to go after that. I finished up putting my stuff away and locking my lock when a small hand slipped into mine.

"Hi," his sweet voice rang, "come sit with us." My eyes darted around the hallway, panic rising in my chest. I swiftly pull my hand out of his, trying not to see the hurt in his eyes.

"Actually, I'm gonna sit with the guys," I mumbled and walked quickly away. Why am I like this? I'm not ashamed to be with him, I actually kind of want to scream it from the rooftops right about now, I don't understand why I would do that. I knew he was hurt and I didn't even try to talk to him about it.

The end of the day could not have come any slower. All I wanted was school to be over so I could tell Matt how fucking sorry I was and that if he wanted to hold my hand or kiss me in public I would be overjoyed to participate. And when the time finally arrived, my heart was beating so hard I thought I might be at severe risk of having a massive heart attack.

I walked up to his locker where he was standing with Mateo, his back turned to me. I can see Mateo's face morphing a little as he looks at me and head bobs to Matt, clearly signaling that I was behind them. Matt slowly turned toward me and I saw the pure sadness in his eyes.

"Fuck," I mumble and pull his body into mine, "I'm an idiot."

He doesn't immediately react to my hug and instead whispers to me, "Are you ashamed to be with me?" I could practically feel the sadness in his voice.

"God no Matt, I could never be ashamed to be with you," I whisper back, hugging him tighter as I finally feel him returning my hug, "I think we need to have a little talk on our walk home."

The two of us get our stuff from our lockers and start the walk back to our house. Matt was the first to break our silence, "why did you freak out when I held your hand?"

"I wasn't really freaking out because of you holding my hand but more because I didn't know how we were supposed to act. I barely slept last night because I was truly unsure about how we were supposed to be in front of others or if we were going to come out or not. I was afraid of asking you would hurt your feelings or something because I was being so weird about the entire thing."

"You are an idiot," he said with a laugh, "but for the record I want everyone to know you are mine."

"And I want everyone to know you are mine," I smirked back before pulling him in for a deep kiss. We were only about a block away from school and I knew people would see us, but I honestly just didn't give a shit.

About two hours after we got home, April and Preston were walking through the door looking as happy as ever. Matt and I were cuddled up on the couch watching Queer eye with his dad and his mom was busy working in the kitchen. I offered to help her but she told me that the most relaxing part of her day was cooking in the quiet of the kitchen and then she promptly kicked me out.

April's eyes quickly zeroed in on the two of us and she practically screamed, "Are you two cuddling right now?!"

"Do you have a problem with me cuddling with my boyfriend," I ask in a fake annoyed voice and smile as I watch her face change between confusion and then pure happiness.

"Ah, Matt here has finally got a boyfriend," Preston says clearly trying to embarrass poor Matt. Although my opinion on Preston at the beginning was not a very good one, he has honestly grown on me. The look in his eyes when he looks at every member of this family is one of the sweetest and purest looks I have seen in a man's eyes. He truly loves each and every one of them and I don't blame him because I know I have the same look in my eyes.

Matt and I both stand, giving hugs to the two of them. Preston caught me off guard a little by whispering in my ear as we hugged, "It's really good to see an emotion other than sadness and anger in your eyes."

"What emotion do you see?"

"Love and lots of it," he chuckled as he pulled away from me. And I knew he was absolutely right. I truly loved every single person in this room. Especially my Matt, my love for him was beyond anything I have ever known, it scared me, excited me, and changed me in ways I could even imagine. And soon enough I would tell him about all the love I have for him.

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