Chapter 13: Soul-Crushing Confusion

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My heart hurt so much at her simple words and I don't even have a legitimate reason to be hurt

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My heart hurt so much at her simple words and I don't even have a legitimate reason to be hurt. Owen and I are not dating, we aren't even really friends. How could I expect him to only be kissing me when he only ever kisses me when he wants too? Whatever has been going on between the two of us has basically been strictly on his terms and never mine. What would stop him from doing what he is doing with me with other people? 

Raelynn walks up to me as I'm still processing what the girl had just been talking about and I can tell she is noticing my staring at the girl. But even as I'm realizing how strange I am being in my head, I can't stop staring.

"Oh so now you are even noticing her," Raelynn says with a laugh, "that's Lexi, she's a junior. I guess her parents fell into some money and started buying her new clothes and everything and now she's miss popular. But, I mean, I can see why she's beautiful and now has killer outfits to accompany her looks."

"She is beautiful, but she's not my type," I said trying to sound calm, "I just heard her tell her friends details about her and Owen getting to know each other better."

"Ya, she was in one of my elective courses last year and she was a major gossip," Raelynn says making a sour face. Raelynn is a nice girl, but there is nothing more she hates than stupid, pointless gossip that is just designed to hurt someone else.

I spend the rest of the school day trying not to act all moppy and pathetic, but I know it's not working all that well. My efforts to join in conversations with my friends at lunch were more than pathetic and my ability to concentrate in class was even worse. I really hate how I am letting all of this affect me.

I more than anything wanted to confront Owen and give him a piece of my mind but I even knew that was a horrible idea. Bringing this up to him would just result in him cutting everything off with me entirely and as sad as it sounds I rather have a tiny bit of something with him than nothing at all.

When the bell rang signaling the end of school, I could not be happier to head home and do what I need to get my head back together. And maybe I would be able to talk to Owen, not about our situation, but actually talk. It had been so nice getting to see the real him and get to know the person he doesn't show everyone and I think seeing that today would make me a lot happier. Is it cruel that I think it will make me happier because I know for a fact he will never share that side of himself with Lexi?

My phone chimes bringing me out of my thoughts, a text message from Owen: Don't wait for me. Going to a friends house. Well so much for my afternoon plans and any chance of making me less moppy and pathetic.

I try to distract myself once I get home. I play video games, I watch dumb shows on Netflix, I text the gang, I hang out with my mom, but none of it works. I still find myself practically waiting for Owen to walk through the door.

At dinner it's just my mom, my dad and I, Owen still had not come around, although my parents do not seem worried so I'm guessing he got permission. I make small talk with my parents which actually helps my mind a lot because I love hearing about the things they did for the day or their random stories from their childhoods. And my dad is literally the biggest crack up you will meet, he can always put a smile on my face.

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