Chapter 14: Run

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A Week Ago:

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A Week Ago:

I hate myself right now. I have no fucking idea what is wrong with me. Ever since I have seen that wonderful picture on Matt's phone my brain and my penis have not been communicating very well. My head is telling me everything I am doing is wrong, but my penis is begging for me to be near him, touch him, feel him. And my penis is winning because that boy has made me cum harder than I ever have before. I've spent the last couple days of school hanging out with a few people I have made friends with instead of hanging out with Matt and his group of friends. I need the break from him or I would probably end up jumping him at school or at a minimum get a boner every time he looked at me with his puppy dog eyes.

Anyways, hanging out with the new group is fun, they are a lot more like my normal group of friends I used to have before I switched homes. And hanging out with them means hanging out with this hot junior, Lexi, and let me tell you that girl wants me bad. I honestly wouldn't mind getting with her, it would probably help me with my Matt situation.

When I'm not at school that's when things are out of my control. All I want to do is kiss Matt's soft, full lips, feel his hand wrap around my throbbing penis, and watch him lose his mind without me even lifting a finger. And for the last four days that is exactly what has been happening. Every chance we have alone, I pulled him in for a kiss and I love that every time I do he's willingly responding to me. It is something that never gets old.

Friday changed a lot for me though, at school Lexi asked me if I wanted to hang out over the weekend. And just by the way she asked me I knew what was on her mind. As I walked to meet Matt at his locker like we do every day, I started to feel strangely guilty, the happiness I was feeling toward possibly hooking up with Lexi was disappearing. The closer Matt and I got to our home, the more guilty I felt until it was almost intolerable. I knew we were going to be alone and I could not deal with that. I couldn't face my guilt, so I locked myself away in my room. A part of me was secretly hoping that he would come to my room, make me feel better. If he came to me than my guilt wouldn't grow because he was initiating things, but if I went to him I would become 10 times more guilty. Unfortunately, he never came to my room, I mean I don't blame him, I know I can be a dick. I don't even like me when I'm in one of my moods, so why would he? 

Saturday was my 'date' with Lexi, we didn't have anything planned until around noon but I didn't want to leave the house while Matt was around. Seeing him would make me feel worse or possibly even change my mind about going to see her. So I did the only thing I thought was logical, I left the house early in the morning before he would see me. But that left me bored, so I wandered around the neighborhood until it was time to see Lexi.

I took Lexi to the movies, the typical highschool kind of date. I did all the douche guy moves, left the armrest up, put my arm around her, pulled her close to me, and kept my face tilted toward her so she would know I wanted to kiss her. It didn't take long until we were making out in the darkest corner of the theater. Her kiss was sweet and she tasted like sour gummy worms which I didn't really mind, but she weirdly didn't compare to Matt. Matt's kisses weren't sweet, they were passionate and hot and he tasted like mint and smelled woody and masculine, a smell I never thought I would prefer. I do have to give Lexi credit though, she did know what she was doing. After the movie I took her to an early dinner, which went surprisingly well. I don't love to talk to people, I'm easily annoyed. But, our conversations were actually fine, I mean we didn't talk about anything deep, but we still kind of got to know each other in an odd sort of way.

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