Chapter 7: Naked Truth

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Last night when I got home from the party I was relieved to see my house pitch black, meaning my parents were already sound asleep

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Last night when I got home from the party I was relieved to see my house pitch black, meaning my parents were already sound asleep. I didn't want to have to run into them, especially after Owen and I told them that we were going to be sleeping over at Mateo's house and I wasn't coming home with Owen. They probably would have been super pissed but at the moment I didn't care at all and I was willing to risk them being mad.

I was so exhausted that I thought the second my head would hit my pillow I would be out but of course not. Of course, my stupid head had to think about all the cruel things Owen had said to me and my brain yelled at me that I was too harsh to him. I didn't want to feel guilty about leaving him at the party so I shoved it to the back of my head and just let my anger for Owen brew in my head. I'm not sure how long I just laid in the darkness of my room but eventually, I was able to fall asleep, only to be startled awake by the sound of my front door slamming. I can hear the murmured voices of my parents questioning Owen, mainly about where I was and why he wasn't coming home with me. Seconds later I hear stomping coming up the stairs, stopping outside of my door. My door comes flying open, my eyes meeting the worried ones of Owen, but the second he realizes I'm in bed his eyes turn back to a glare.

"He is in his bed," Owen yells down the hall before slamming my door shut and disappearing. His worry confused me, I didn't think he would even care if I made it home safe or not. I seemed like more of a burden to him than someone he would actually care about.

That was the only time I saw Owen that day, mostly because I was avoiding the kid at all costs. I even went to the trouble of texting my mom saying I wasn't coming down to dinner because I didn't want to see him. I was being pathetic and petty but I just really wanted to forget that this kid existed at all. I went to bed that night, completely and totally happy that I successfully avoided him the rest of the day, but deep down I knew that tomorrow I wouldn't be so lucky.

And of course, I was right. I was woken up by the sound of a door opening into my room, groggy and slightly confused I look around, only to find Owen perched in the doorway of our bathroom.

"Are you avoiding me," he blurts out, unaware of my pure annoyed look. I don't answer, staring blankly back at him. "So you are. Can't we talk about the party?"

"There is nothing to say," I snarled back.

"Oh so you will talk," he says with a smirk, "I wanted to apologize."

I was slightly shocked that he said that, but I knew better than letting him know that, "Where did you sleep that night?" My question was a test, the answer would tell me if his apology was sincere or not.

"Sadie's" he mumbled back.

"Well, that settles it then. Leave me alone." I half yell at him, hoping he gets that he totally fucked up.

"I'm not going to let you avoid me. Especially when you know literally nothing about what happened. So just be ready to have me around because I'm not stopping until you hear me out."

Being the stubborn asshole I am, I raise an eyebrow at him before standing form my bed and disappearing from my room. No surprise when Owen followed me down. Unfortunately, that is how the rest of the day went. Owen following me around making comments to try to get me to talk to him and me trying my hardest not to crack.

It's now 9 PM and the first time Owen has left me alone since I got up this morning. I was relieved but I wasn't expecting it to last long, I was just waiting for him to rudely barge back into my room. But, it's been almost an hour since I last saw him and he hasn't popped back up, so maybe he decided to give up for the day.

I got up slowly from my bed, deciding that I should get ready for bed while I don't hear Owen shuffling around in the bathroom. I open the bathroom door and step in at the exact moment a very naked Owen steps out of the shower. My eyes go wide as I stare at Owen's very attractive naked body, my face flushed bright red and my pants seemed ever so slightly tighter. I had seen him shirtless before and yes his torso was very attractive but I could handle it no problem. But his entire naked body was another story, from his muscular torso and arms to his member and muscular thighs, it was all wet and seemingly perfectly sculpted. I was frozen, I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, and I couldn't possibly look away.

A deep clear of a throat brought me back to reality, my eyes snapped up to Owen's face and what I saw scared me. He wore a deep smirk, one that told me everything I needed to know, he knew what his body just did to me and he was never going to let that go. He turned his body away from my eyes, exposing his perfectly round ass to me, my eyes locked to it and a small noise escaped my lips. It was a cross between a whimper and moan, my eyes bulged, scared that he heard my noise. As quickly as I could get myself to move I turned on my heels and slammed the door shut, leaning against it and sinking to the floor of my bedroom. My member now rock hard, face bright red, breathing slightly uneven. "Fuck."

As I stood naked outside of the shower unable to move from Matt's prying eyes, my mind rushed a mile a minute

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As I stood naked outside of the shower unable to move from Matt's prying eyes, my mind rushed a mile a minute. Why was he just staring at me, why wasn't he moving or looking away. I stare back at him, eyebrows furrowed together, but he was paying no attention to my face. I let my eyes roam his body, stopping at his groin, seeing his pants looking tighter than normal in that area. It was the answer I needed, Matt was basically eye-fucking me and getting turned on by it and that's why he couldn't take his eyes off my naked body.

A cruel smirk playing on my lips as I clear my throat, hoping it would snap him back to reality. The second I do it his eyes find mine, his cheeks red as a tomato, his expression changes from one of lust to one of pure worry as he sees the smirk dancing on my lips. I turn my body away from him, preferring him to see my ass instead of my dick, and hoping it will make him leave.

When I've fully turned away from him I hear a small whimper coming from across the bathroom. My eyes open wide in shock, my dick slightly twitching at the sexy little noise. Half of me desperately wants to turn around to see what expression is on this boys face but the other half of me wants to run out of the bathroom afraid he will see my now slightly erect penis. I hear him shuffle around behind me and then the door closing, a few seconds after a mumbled "fuck" can be heard through the door.

The smirk on my face returns and I chuckle slightly, this boy wants me so bad and I am going to make him squirm, he won't be able to avoid me once I tease him with his obvious attraction toward me. I'm going to enjoy this.

I look down and see my member now standing tall and a deep frown takes over my face. I was unsure of why I had gotten so hard, ya the noise was sexy but it would have been sexy coming from anyone. Girls make noises like that all the time and it turns me on with them so maybe my body just likes that noise. I'm not gay so it would be impossible for my erection to have anything to do with Matt. Right?


Snuck a short Owen P.O.V. in, what do you guys think? He will get a few more P.O.V.'s in the future!!

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