Chapter 18: The Decision

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"Matt," his voice rings out over the silence in the room, "Matt, I want you so bad and if your parents are going to send me packing I want to spend the night with you

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"Matt," his voice rings out over the silence in the room, "Matt, I want you so bad and if your parents are going to send me packing I want to spend the night with you."

His words shocked me ever so slightly, I mean I have been assuming that we have been leading up to having sex with each other but I was not certain that he would be so willing to just go for it.

I pull him closer to me and smash our lips together again. The kiss is hot, needy, passionate, and tender all at the same time. Our hands fumbled and tangled in each other's clothes as we try to eliminate all the fabric between us. My face turning bright shades of red and my voice coming out as moans as he shoves his hand down the front of my boxers. It is the first time he has actually touched my dick without clothing of some sort covering me.

"Owen," I panted, trying to find the right words, "how is this going to work?"

"How is what going to work?" he slowly says, pulling his hand out of my boxers.

"Uh- sex?" I whisper, trying to hide my embarassment. I have thought about sex with Owen before and I have always pictured myself on top of him, but I know he will prefer being a top over a bottom.

His eyebrows furrow and he takes a few steps away from me, "I guess I haven't really put much thought into it."

"How do you picture it with me," I ask the question, hoping that he has actually pictured it and has some sort of an answer for me.

"I guess I picture me doing you, but if you aren't ok with that we can try the other way." His answer made my heart flutter in my chest. I know the thought of being a bottom has to terrify him, but he would still be willing to do it for me. Immediately my worries are gone and I know exactly what I want.

"I want you to fuck me," I say with a small smirk and plop down on my bed.

"Are you sure? I don't want to do anything that is going to make you uncomfortable," Owen whispers while taking the few steps necessary to plant himself infront of me as I sit on the bed.

I smile up at him, nodding my head. I reach my hands out to his boxers and slowly pull them down. Like a spring his erection pops up and out of the fabric. Taking a hold of it I slowly lean forward, wrapping my lips around it. Owen was big and I could barely even fit all of him in my mouth, but that wasn't going to stop me. After a few moments and some of the sexiest noises I have heard Owen make, I pull away from him and back myself further on the bed. As Owen stares at me, I peel my boxer off and reveil my entire self to him.

He wastes no time at all, climbing on top of me as soon as I'm completely naked. The passion and longing between us intentifies as every part of our naked skin touches. With some prep and lots of lube, Owen is finally able to push himself inside of me. We sit completely still, as I will the sting and the burn to go away. I can see the struggle in Owen's eyes, he wants so badly to just pump in and out of me, but as I can imagine he has done some research and knows it can be slightly painful. I bit my lip as I stare up into his beautiful eyes and give a slow nod, letting him know he can continue on. He starts off slow and with a perfect teasing rhythm, but soon my begging intensifies as I plead for him to do more. Owen quickens the pace and I swear I can see stars all around us. Our moans fill the room, as well as the musky scent of sex, its beautiful and intoxicating all at the same time.

"Owen, I'm so close," I moan out as I feel the spiral in my stomach growing tighter and tighter. My words encourage him to pump a little deeper, hitting my sweet spot. My toes curl all on their own and I feel myself release all that I have.

"Fuck, Matt, you are incredible," he says in a breathy voice, pumping hard into me a few seconds more before he releases with a deep moan. He runs his hand down to my cum splattered chest, swipping up a bit of my release. I give him an odd look as he continues to stay inside of me, his dick still throbbing from his release. And once again this boy does the completely unexpected, dipping his cum covered fingers into his mouth. With myself on his lips he dips down and kisses me. After it seems he is satified with our kiss, he rolls off of me and lays beside me, a strange looking overcoming his face.

"Hey," I speak softly, "what are you thinking about?" I was a little worried, but I didn't want him to notice. The cum thing is a big step for any guys having sex with another guy, and that not even considering it to be the first time. The fact that he did it with no hesitation kinda blew my mind and made my member stand straight again.

"How I could have not noticed I was gay before," he replies with a small chuckle, "I mean seriously, I just licked your cum off of my fingers on purpose and loved it." He pulls me back to him, cuddling me into his arms.

"I have to admit that was truly unexpected," I was bitting my lip again, but this time out of nerviousness, "S-So I'm guessing it was good sex then?"

"Good?" he questioned, pulling my chin up to kiss my lips deeply, "It was the best sex I had ever had." I blushed at his comment and felt my eyes slowly start closing. Within minutes I was sound asleep, in the arms of a guy I truly believed I loved.

I'm not sure how long we have been asleep, but the sound of my door being shut has me wide awake. The feeling of Owen's chest pressed to my back, with his arm wrapped around my waist has me feeling slightly less panicked. I turn around in his arms and peak at his beautiful face. And the thought I had before falling asleep was still very much true.

"Not to alarm you," he spoke, which did alarm me becuase I thought he was still asleep, "I think your mom just walked in on us cuddling, and with our clothes thrown around the room, I think she is smart enough to put two and two together."

"Shit," I mumble, "I guess we are going to have to face them sooner or later."

We slowly change into our clothes and take a few deep breaths before heading down the stairs. I knew what we were going to walk into was not going to be a fun experience, cause there is nothing more awkward than your parents knowing you had sex. And to add to that, I had sex with my foster brother who is now most likely being kicked out of the house.

As we turned into the living room, I froze because this was not at all what I was expecting to see. My mom was sitting on the couch with tears streaming down her face and my father looked somewhere between confused as hell and beyond happy. All I could do was stare, why in the hell was my mom crying and why does my dad look semi happy?

"Uh, what is going on?" I finally speak up, feeling stupid that I was just lamely standing there.

My mom cleared her throat and wiped some of her tears away, "I'm just so stupid. How could I not see what was clearly blooming between the two of you?" she asked walking up Owen and pulling him into a tight hug, "I knew you were a good kid and I knew you were perfect for my son."

Owen was tightly huging my mom back and he wasn't even trying to conceal the tears that were now rolling down his face. My dad was quickly joining the tight hug between Owen and my mom.

"My son finally has a boyfriend!" he half yells, "I thought this day might never come."

"Hey," I say, faking hurt, "you know I'm standing right here right?"

After a few more minutes of crying and hugging, we finally all settled down on the couch. Each and every one of us has big smiles and happiness in our eyes.

"So about living arangements," my mom starts off and we all focus on her, "clearly it seems dumb to relocate you when you are so close to turning 18 and seeing you and Matt together made my heart burst with happiness. So we have decided to let you stay."

"Thank you," Owen smiles at my parents, "this place truly feels like home and I was terrified that I was going to lose it. I promise never to run away again."

"We also have some rules," it was my dad's turn to speak, "no closed doors when you are alone in a room together and we expect both of you to start helping out around the house more." I half laugh at the rules, well more like rule, I think they just didn't want it too seem as if they were being too straight forward about our sex life.

"Owen, honey," my mom speaks up, "I want you to know that even if things don't work out between you and Matt, you won't be losing a place to live."

"Thank you Deb, but I don't plan for things not to work out between the two of us." My heart fluttered with his sweet words and I found myself wanting to scream that I loved him to the world. 

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