Chapter 9: Make-ups and Deep Conversations

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A few excruciatingly awkward days passed after the kiss, bringing unwanted attention to both of us

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A few excruciatingly awkward days passed after the kiss, bringing unwanted attention to both of us. At home my parents had noticed the tension between us, commenting on it a few times, earning a glare from me and a shrug from Owen. After about the third day I think they just brushed it aside as pointless teenage drama, as long as we weren't outwardly fighting it wasn't a big deal.

School was another story, Owen had finished his shadowing and was allowed into the school. The shadowing being over was a nice relief, I didn't have to be followed all over school by Owen and he even stopped hanging around my friends. That was also a relief but a big annoyance because I just kept getting questioned over and over again about him. Questions about the kiss at the party, about why he stopped eating lunch with us and question if anything was wrong at home with him. All of these were questions I had zero intention of answering.

The only time Owen and I were around each other is when we walked to school. This was by far the worst part of everything because we would walk in complete and total silence, him always staying one or two strides ahead of me.

By about the fourth day of school and silence between Owen and I, I started to notice that Sadie had been hanging around us at lunch less and less. I mostly noticed because today at lunch she was nowhere to be found. It made me start thinking that Owen and she were sneaking off somewhere to be with each other, it made my blood boil. I looked all around the cafeteria and finally spotted her sitting at a lunch table talking with Owen. But it was a weird looking conversation, Owen looked pissed and stressed, his shoulders were ridged clearly showing tension, and Sadie looked confused. I forced myself to look away, not wanting to have to try and figure out what they could possibly be talking about. But, by the end of the day, I couldn't get the two of them out of my mind.

Owen and I were now making our way home and I was surprised to find him actually walking next to me instead of in front of me. Yet, neither of us were talking, I guess no surprise there.

"Look I think we should talk about what happened," Owen blurted out into the quiet air that surrounded us.

"I guess that would be the productive thing to do," I comment back.

"I didn't sleep with her," Owen stated, confusing me.


"Sadie and I didn't have sex, I slept on her couch."

"Oh," was all I could manage to squeak out.

"Ya, thought you should know. And about the other night," he started but I immediately cut him off.

"I think you should know that the kiss made it clear to me that I don't have any feelings for you." At this point, I can't even keep track of all the lies I have told Owen.

"That's good, it's a relief to hear that actually," a small smile formed on his lips but quickly disappears, "I'm really sorry for punching you. I had no right to do that. It's something I have been dealing with for a while, when things seem out of my control I usually resort to violence. It's actually what landed me at the police department the night before you guys started fostering me."

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