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"I was gonna ask you this anyway... eventully but maybe, maybe it would be a good idea for you to move in with me?"

I nod and grab her hand. My head hurts from stress crying and I'm so tired. We left from Sarah's parents at 4 am, went to the airport, and took off at about 6. Thr flight was about 3 hours and we came straight to the hospital after landing. Its almost 10 am and sleep deprivation is getting to me. I shouldve slept on the plane or in the car but I just couldnt. 

"Peach." Paula calls from the doorway of the waiting room.

"I'm sorry." I sob. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I can't control my tears.

"Oh hun its not your fault." Her eyes are tired, more than usual. "He's out of surgery and things are looking better."

"Can I see him?"

"Yeah, I'll walk you."

"Baby dont stay too long. Dave needs his rest and you should be getting some yourself soon." Sarah reminds me. We've been up for about 26 hours or so.


"You're not coming with?" Paula asks.

"I just figured visiting was family only."

"It is." Paula confirms. "Come on."

Sarah looks a little shocked but smiles. She holds my hand and we follow Paula into a long hall. Hospitals have always freaked me out but that probably has something to do with my mom's death.

"It's my Peaches and Cream." Dave says as soon as we walk in.

Tears immediately fill my eyes. I was trying to prepare myself for the worst because I know what my dad is capable of. Thank God that wasn't necessary. I'm not really religious but I prayed so much during the past few hours.

Dave's face has several bruises and his lip is swollen and cut. The rest out his is covered under the white hospital blanket. He had surgery on his side, stab wound.

"Oh that's real cute." I laugh at the nickname he refered to me as Sarah as.

"Arent you two suppose to be in florida?"

"How are you feeling?" Sarah asks, avoiding the question.

"I can't feel much right now but thats going to ware off soon." He laughs but I can tell hes nervous about it. "What are you doin here Peach?" He sighs.

"Sarah's friend's husband is the chief of police and so she called just after you were got here." I swallow the lump in my throat. "Where's everyone else?" I ask, referring to their kids.

"I sent them home and now I'm gonna do the same to you." He replies. "Go home, they're taking care of me just fine."

I cant argue with him so I just nod. We give him a quick hug and he gives both me and Sarah a kiss on the head.

"You need rest too Paula." I say as soon as we're in the hall.

She simply shakes her head no and for the first time I see Paula completely shattered. "I can't leave him." She gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Go on now. I'll see you later."


We leave and what feels like hours later I'm finally climbing into Sarah's bed. She shuts the shades to block out the sun then crawls in next to me. I move so shes holding me and tuck my face into her chest to silence my cries. She combs her fingers through my hair to calm me.

"You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When sky's are gray"

I've never heard Sarah sing before.

"You'll never know, dear
How much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

The other night, dear
As I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
When I awoke, dear
I was mistaken
And I hung my head and cried"

"I love you, Sarah."

"I love you too baby."

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