Chapter 10

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Kayla's POV

I looked at the necklace that Carson gave me around my neck in the mirror. It rests beside my mother's locket. It was really beautiful. I love it and I will always wear it.

"That's pretty." I heard Jasmine say from across the room. She was currently laying on her bed reading a book. She didn't have an early class today.

"Yeah, it is." I agreed. I turned from the mirror and faced her. "Carson gave it to me on Friday. He bought it for me on Valentine's Day."

Jasmine smiled. "That's sweet."

A smile of my own appeared on my face as I rubbed my hand over the pendant. "Yes, it is." I agreed. I then turned away from the mirror and took up my school bag. "I'm going to class now. See you later."

"Bye," Jasmine said. I took up my phone and room key and left our room.


After I had my last class of the day, Jasmine and I were sitting under the trees on one of the many benches that decorated around our campus. Jasmine, who has a class in twenty minutes, was on her laptop, finishing up her coursework. I was also on my laptop as well completing a coursework of my own. I didn't have any more classes for the rest of the day, however.

"I can't wait for break, so I can get some relief from all these course works," Jasmine said, still typing on her laptop.

I looked at her and nodded in agreement. "Honestly, me too. It seems like I'm always doing course work and it feels like I'm drowning in them." Spring Break was looking nicer and nicer each day. During this break, I was going to take a much needed rest.

"Tell me about it." Jasmine sighed.

I looked over at Jasmine's laptop. "What are you doing by the way?"

"A case management. We should have at least fifty pages." Jasmine answered.

"How much do you have so far?" I asked.

"I have thirty-five." She answered.

"Oh, you're near at least." I said returning my attention to my laptop to finish my assignment that was due on Wednesday. First year was hard, but as soon as second year rolled around, we got twice as much course work to complete in a short space of time.

"Well, at least this isn't due until the end of the week." She said after a while. "What time are you leaving by the way?"

I looked at the time on my phone to see that it was fifteen minutes to three. "I don't have anything to do, so I don't have to leave just yet. I'm going to stay with you until your class starts and then I'm leaving." I answered.

Two minutes later, I finished the work that I was doing. I saved the document and shut down my laptop. All that was left to do was edit it and hand it in tomorrow.

A few seconds later, I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I slipped it out and checked the caller ID. It was Carson.

"Hey!" I answered with an automatic smile.

"Hi," Carson greeted. "Are you busy?"

"No, I'm not. I don't have any more classes for the day. What's up?" I asked.

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