Part 8 (Edited)

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*When everyone else got home*

Sam's POV

Sam: Were home!
Kat: Where are they.

We looked all around the house and then went upstairs. I open the door and y/n and Colby are asleep and y/n has her head on Colby's chest. Kat then pulls out her phone.

Sam: What are you doing Kat?
Kat: Taking a picture of them. They're cute together. After I get the picture lets start yelling at them.
Sam: Ok. Let me get my camera. I need to record this.
I went to get my camera from my room and came back.
Kat: Ready?
Sam: Ready.


I woke up to Sam and Kat yelling at me and Colby.

K/S: WAKE UP!!!!

They started to push us.

Colby: What the Fuck is going on?
Kat: Wake up love birds!
Y/n: ugh. What time is it?

I grab my phone and see it 11:30pm

Y/n: what the Fuck Sam! It's 11:30! AT NIGHT!

Colby then groaned.

Y/n: Please make them go away. I am so tired.

I said as buried my head into his chest.

Colby: Can you guys please go away. We are both tired and just want to sleep.
Kat: Ugh. Fine, night love birds.
Y/C: Night.

I looked up at Colby.

Y/n: My hero.
Colby: Anything for you.

I reached up to his face and kissed him.

Y/n: Good night Koala. We have some exploring to do tomorrow.
Colby: You're going with us?
Y/n: Yeah, Sam asked if I wanted to go yesterday.
Colby: Ok. Just like old times. Good night princess.
Y/n: Good night.

*Y/n's thoughts*

I wish I could stay here like this forever. I am so happy with Colby. I love him but I am worried what Sam is gonna say. What if he isn't ok with us. Wait, is there even an "us"? What are me and Colby? I'll ask him tomorrow morning.

*end of Y/n's thoughts and POV*

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