Part 24

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*Y/n's POV*
I couldn't find any of them. I frantically texted Colby. *texts*
Y/n: Colby? Where are you? Where is everyone?
Colby: *no response*
I started pacing around the kitchen like a crazy person.
*Colby's POV: an hour earlier*
I woke up next to Y/n and smiled. Today is her birthday. The whole house had planned to freak her out this morning and not be home when she woke up so i quickly went and woke everyone up. We all got ready and left the house.
Colby: so first we are gonna get Y/n iHop because it is here favorite breakfast place. Does anyone need to get anything well we are out?
Corey: Yeah me and Devyn need to get some last minute things.
Colby: Ok me too.
Sam, Kat, Aaron, and Jake: Already got everything.
Colby: Ok perfect. get a text from her don't answer.
Right as I said that I got a text from Y/n.
Colby: Perfect timing.
I said and chuckled.
Ok let's get everything. Meet back here in 15?
Everyone: Yup.
We all went our separate ways and I quickly went and got her the chocolate candies she loves, a stuffed Koala and a ring pop. *End of POV start of Y/n's POV*
I texted everyone! No one was answering. Then I called answer. Called answer. Kat...nope. Jake...nope. Corey...nope. Dev...nope. Aaron...nope. NONE OF THEM! *End of POV start of Colby's*
We all met back where we said we would.
Colby: Alright lets go. I got the iHop in the back.
Everyone got in and I drove home. I had gotten a empty ring box and put the ring pop in it. I hadn't told anyone what I was planning on doing...

My Brother's Best Friend || Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now