A Scarecrow In Oversized Clothing

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"That was Atty. Arroyo, right?" Brandon asked when we stopped at a red light.

I nodded. "Looks like he'll be going to see the competition as well."

Brandon kept quiet. Sneaking a peak at him, I noticed that his brows were furrowed and his lips were pursed in disapproval.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to meet up with him," I said.

"What?" he looked at me as if he didn't hear me.

"I'm not insensitive, Brandon. I promised to spend this evening with you so I'm spending it with only you," I smiled at him in reassurance.

"But what if we see him at the venue?" he asked doubtfully.

"We'll just say hi and carry on with our date," I shrugged. "Besides, Charles isn't like that. Yes, he's protective of me but he doesn't overstep his boundaries. I don't think he'll ruin whatever plans you have tonight by being the third wheel," I added although I was secretly not sure about the last part. I mentally crossed my fingers because the way Charles spoke earlier was making me doubt myself.

"You know him well so I'll believe you," he visibly relaxed and his grip on the steering wheel loosened.


We arrived at the venue fifteen minutes before the event started. An usher led us to our table and a wait staff hurriedly offered us some water then asked us what drinks we were having. I opted for a fruit punch while Brandon asked for a cola.

"We have some wine and other liquors, sir," the female server told him while fluttering her fake lashes.

"Thanks but I'm driving tonight so I'll stick to coke," he refused her gently.

"If sir insists," she nodded her head and left to get our drinks.

The restaurant stood directly in front of the area where the participants were going to 'perform.' When I found out that there were six countries in total and that each presentation was half an hour long, I was ecstatic!

"I'm rooting for Philippines," I said while reading the lineup on the brochure provided to us earlier.

"United Kingdom has got this in the bag," he said. "Don't want to sound unpatriotic but the Brits are pretty strong this year."

"You're committing treason!" I pretended to be disgusted.

He laughed. "I'm just sticking to what my gut is telling me. Also, our country has never won."

"I have a feeling that that will change this year," I said confidently.

"Oh?" he raised a brow in interest and a smile tugged at the corner of his lips, this made him extra attractive. "Want to bet? It's going to be your women's intuition against my male logic."

"'Male logic!?'" I glared at him in protest. "You said it was your gut telling you earlier!"

My reaction made him laugh out loud again. "Come on. Let's bet on it. I'm team UK and you're team Philippines."

"Fine, don't come crying to me if I win though," I agreed, totally unaware that the confidence I was feeling was what's going to cause my downfall later.

"If I win, you'll have lunch with me for an entire week," he said. "If you win, I'll be your personal driver for the same number of days."

I narrowed my eyes at him, he was one sneaky bastard. Both were obviously to his favor.

"You're not being fair!" I protested. "Either way, it's a win for you."

"You look so adorable when you're being indignant, do you know that?" his eyes shone in amusement.

"Hmph!" I scoffed. "Why else would you be so smitten on me?"

When the words I uttered sunk in, I immediately felt like slapping myself. Where the heck did that come from!? Brandon was grinning from ear to ear, looking very happy at my slip of the tongue. When he saw my disapproving frown, he hastily hid his glee.

"That's true," he acted serious and was nodding his head as an added effect. "Why else indeed?"

"Oh, you!" I scrunched up my nose at him, I was torn between mirth and annoyance.

He stopped fighting his grin and reached out to pinch my cheek. "So adorable."

"Hey!" I protested. I wanted to swat his hand away but he was able to retract his hand quickly. Have my cheeks gotten plumper? Men seemed to be obsessed with pinching them lately...

"So it's settled, alright? If I win, we'll have one meal together for a week. If you do, you've got yourself a handsome chauffeur."

"I feel like I'm a genie and you're the type of master that wished for another wish as his first wish," I shook my head and took a sip of my water.

"Just say yes, Hinata," he reached out for his own goblet and drank some water as well.

Because it really wasn't too big a deal, I relented and finally agreed with a nod. He was still rejoicing when the female server from earlier came back with our drinks and antipasto platters. It was also at this time that the event's emcee announced that China was about to start their presentation.

A few moments after the emcee spoke, loud and cheerful music started to play. It coincided with every burst and swoosh of the fireworks coloring the dark skies.

"Wow," I gasped as a starburst as huge as a bus exploded in the air in multiple colors. "So beautiful."

After China came Germany. Theirs gave me a Fantasia vibe with the soaring and dipping notes that comprised their accompanying music. It oddly added a romantic effect to when we were eating the main course.

"Alright, Mickey Mouse definitely needs to make an appearance," Brandon said out of the blue.

"You're getting Fantasia vibes as well?" I asked with a bit of surprise.

"It's one of my favorite Disney classics," he admitted. "My favorite part was when Mickey fell asleep and the room got flooded."

"That part gave me nightmares when I was a kid," a familiar male voice interrupted our conversation. "Those broomsticks still give me the heebie-jeebies."

"Atty. Arroyo," Brandon stood up to shake Charles' hand.

"You two look like you're having fun," Charles said before giving me a quick once-over. "Nice dress, Hina, but you look cold."

Before I could react, he's already walked to where I was, took off his coat, and placed it on my shoulders before buttoning it up.

"That's much better," he added with a satisfied nod.

As Charles was much taller than me, the coat covered most of the area above my knee and concealed my dress completely. This left me feeling like a scarecrow in oversized clothing.

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