You Can't Change My Heart

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"How am I supposed to be happy when you're my happiness?" Brandon countered, a bitter smile hung on his lips. "Hinata, is there really no other way?"

I looked at him in shock. "You know the answer to that."

"I'm fine with being your number two. I can be the other guy, your secret lover. I'm fine with that, just be with me," he grabbed my shoulders and pleaded. "We can see each other once a week for a few hours and I'll be totally okay with that. I promise I won't tell anyone, not even my mother. I'm fine with just a small amount of your time as long as we can be together in some way."

"Brandon, I don't think that's fair to you..."

"I don't care, I'm desperate to be with you! Can't you see? I love you too much! I can't let you go!"

I pushed him away forcefully and retreated two steps back. As calmly as I could, told him, "You deserve someone who can love you with all their heart. You don't deserve scraps, Brandon."

"Like I said, I don't care—"

"Besides, I love Kaname too much to even think about betraying him. We have gone through a lot together. Breaking his heart will be equivalent to breaking mine."

"I dreamt of you all my life! I searched for you everywhere, you're the only one who can make me whole... Hinata, choose me instead of him! I can guarantee that you'll never have to be afraid, your heart is safe with me because I'll only have you!"

"If you only know what Kaname and I went through you'll understand why I'll never 0leave him..."

"With me, you'll be queen. I can give you everything you want," he said as though he didn't hear anything. A crazed smile curled his lips as he continued excitedly, "You can even quit your job, I earn too much I sometimes don't know how to spend it anymore. Marry me and you will want for nothing."

"Brandon, I can't be with you. No matter what you say or do, you can't change my heart. No one can replace Kaname in my life."

Brandon's face fell. His hands balled into fists as his face reddened in anger from what he just heard. Then, as if he was looking for something, he scanned the entire room. He stopped looking around and his eyes zeroed in on an empty clear glass pitcher. In two large strides, he went to the granite counter where the pitcher was, grabbed the glassware, and furiously threw it on the floor. It immediately broke into a thousand pieces.

I was too shocked to say anything. All I could do was stare at him in astonishment. Still unsatisfied, he proceeded to break the bowl and plates that were on the same counter as well. It didn't take long before the sounds of glass and ceramics breaking attracted the attention of the people outside. The door swung open and in came Sabrina, Joshua, Karina, and some staff members. Their eyes looked at the shards of glass and ceramics on the floor then at Brandon and me in confusion. I opened my mouth to speak but the sight of Kaname making his way through the crowd and walking towards me stopped me.

"Are you alright? What happened?" he asked me in Japanese. I noticed that he'd revert to his mother tongue whenever he was anxious and worried.

"I'm fine," I assured him before glancing at Brandon who was looking at us with gritted teeth and hate-filled eyes.

Kaname noticed his stare and frowned. "Did you do that?" he asked Brandon while pointing at the mess on the floor.

Brandon closed his eyes then breathed in and out deeply as if to calm himself. When he opened them again, the rage in his eyes have muted a tiny bit. However, he didn't answer my husband's question.

"Why did you do that?" I could feel Kaname restraining his building anger just by the tone he was using. As someone who was used to getting his answers immediately whenever he asked a question, he was naturally displeased with getting ignored.

"It's none of your business," Brandon told him flatly.

"You did this in front of my wife," he put emphasis on the last two words. "So of course it is my business."

"Your wife," Brandon laughed, it was both sarcastic and bitter. "Yeah, right."

Kaname's eyes narrowed. Tension filled the room to the point where it grew so thick one could probably slice it with a knife.

"Don't make me ask you again, I am not a very patient man," he warned.

"I was just releasing some tension," Brandon answered nonchalantly.

"Releasing some tension or harassing my wife?"

"Trust me, if I wanted to harass her I would have done it in a way that none of you would be able to do anything about it!"

The blatant intimidation riled my husband up. I gripped his shirt tightly when he suddenly moved, I was afraid that he might decide to lunge at Brandon and beat him until he begged for him to stop.

"Anata, calm down..." I whispered as my arms encircled him. "I'm fine, I really am."

"Gentlemen," Sabrina finally recovered her wits and carefully walked towards 'ground zero,' deliberately placing herself between the two men. "Can we talk about this in a private and more comfortable place?"

"There is nothing to talk about," Brandon said with a sneer, then with a frostiness in both his eyes and tone, he turned to the people who were gathered at the kitchen door, "We will resume the shoot in ten minutes. I expect everyone to be in their places by then."

Upon hearing his words, everyone hurriedly scampered away like rabbits. With a smirk, Brandon decided to leave the room.

"Take one more step and I'll make sure you'll regret it," Kaname enunciated each with controlled wrath.

Brandon guffawed. Mockingly, he replied, "Oh, yeah? Come at me then."

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