Yes, Beautiful. So Beautiful...

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Charles and Kaname did the laundry while I made dinner. A smile hung on my lips as I listened to our son explain how the washer worked, what the fabric softener was for, and how the spinner was able to remove ninety-five percent of the water in the clothes. Kaname's mmm-hmm's, yeses, and amazing's echoed every now and then.

I was almost done with dinner when I got a call from mum. It seemed like our village's homeowners association president got in touch with her after I called the main gate about Tyler and company.

"Mr. Reyes called and apologized a hundred times," mum said with a hint of annoyance. "I told him that he should impose stricter rules and requirements for the security personnel we are hiring. We pay higher than usual association fees so I expect top notch services, but apparently, the guards on duty are newly hired and were not informed of the banned list."

"That explains a lot," I sighed wearily. "Umm... Mum... Did you get my SMS?"

"Yes, but I was more focused on roasting that arrogant president that I forgot to send you a reply."

"'Roasting?' Oh, mum," I chuckled, she sounded like a hip teenager.

"So my question now is, who is this other guy you mentioned in your text? I've met Charles but this Kaname... I don't think I've heard of him before."

"It's a long story. A lot has happened in the last twenty-four hours and I'm still trying to regain my footing from the experience," I told her. "Mum, you trust me, right? And you will let me explain everything when you get back before you say anything?"

"Of course, my dearest Hina," mum said softly. "I'm the luckiest mother alive to have a daughter who never gave me a headache when she was growing up. If it weren't for your bad decision of dating Tyler, I'd have considered you perfect."

I laughed at her joke.

"So, is this Kaname the one who will finally give me my grandkids?" she probed.

"Y-yes," I replied shyly. "Yes, he is."

"Then I look forward to meeting him!" she said excitedly.

"You don't mind that I have two guys staying over?" I nibbled at my thumbnail nervously, her opinion of me always mattered.

"No," she assured. "I will always trust my daughter."

"I love you, mum," I said, my voice thick.

"Me, too, Hina," her loving voice soothed my soul. "You're my pride and joy."

"I can't wait to see you again."

"Two more days and I'll be back."

After reminding me once more that she loves me, mum ended the call. Coincidentally, the chicken and egg was ready the moment she hung up. I scooped some steamed rice on a medium sized bowl and piled generous servings on two large ones before topping each with the chicken and egg mixture.

The three of us chatted as we ate. When I mentioned my mother, Kaname listened attentively.

"I don't have anything special with me to offer her," he took my hand and kissed its back. "But I can promise her that I will make you happy. I love you and only you."

Kaname's odd eyes were filled with love and sincerity, I wanted to sit on his lap and kiss him but Charles was around. I didn't want him to view his mother in a different light.

"I love you, too, anata," I said. "Don't worry, mum isn't materialistic. The fact that you cherish me so much is enough for her."

Although he appeared to be listening to us silently, Charles was in fact hatching a plan in his genius brain. As his father's biggest fan, how could he let him meet his grandmother without some grandness befitting his status as the tenka bito?


I stared with heavy lids and a bitten lower lip at the woman in the mirror, she was being caressed and kissed all over by her lover. Her naked body was facing the mirror, her hands were gripping the sink before her as she tried her best not to melt in his man's touch.

The man was naked, too. The koi and cloud tattoo on his left arm seemed to glisten underneath the soft lights of the sconces on either side of the mirror. He stood behind her while his mouth nipped and kissed her neck and shoulder, his hands were on his breast and on the apex of her thighs.

It was the man's idea that they watched each other making love in front of the mirror. It was both erotic and titillatingly fun.

"Kaname," I moaned and the woman in the mirror opened her mouth at the same time. She was me, of course, but it was the first time I've ever seen myself looking this way.

My hair tumbled down my back while some fell on chest. My skin was flushed and my pupils opened up in an unconscious reaction to what we were doing. So this is how I looked like whenever we were touching and kissing and entwined in each other.

"Hina," Kaname's breath warmed the spot behind my earlobe. "Don't we look so beautiful like this?"

His blue eye peeked through his loose hair and stared at me through the mirror. When he was aroused, they turn into an almost electric blue.

"Yes, beautiful," I lifted my arms and hooked them on his neck behind me. "So beautiful..."

This move lifted my breasts and exposed them. Grabbing this opportunity, Kaname cupped my bosoms. They were at the mercy of his hands. I squirmed as he squeezed and teased their tips.

Without warning, Kaname princess carried me and turned on the shower. He washed our hair and bodies, his actions quick but thorough. He grabbed a towel and dried the both of us. While still remaining silent, he pulled me out of the shower and towards the door, which we left unclosed. However, instead of going out of the room, Kaname suddenly shut the door and pushed me against it.

He lifted one of my legs and just like that, entered me. I gasped at the fullness. My arms automatically found its way around his neck while my other leg helped me balance. Kaname grunted as he moved up and down.

"More," he grabbed my buttocks and lifted me. Pushing my back against the door, he thrusted away.

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