Untitled II

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Brandon’s face was void of any emotion; his eyes, although focused on me, looked as empty as he sounded. For some reason, this made me uncomfortable. I know I should feel relieved that he didn’t react violently considering that I rejected him the last time we spoke, but there was something eerie about his apparent apathy. He reminded me of a puppet.

My hands flew to my slightly protruding belly. I nodded and replied, “Yes. I’ll officially be on my fourteenth week in a few days.”

“But how?” aunt Susan interrupted, she looked at me then at Brandon in confusion. “I don’t understand…”

“Aunt Susan, I’m married.” I showed her the engagement and wedding bands Kaname brought from his time.

“How can you be married so soon? Weren’t you still single months ago?”

“Well, I’m not now,” I answered simply as I didn’t feel like I needed to explain anything to her.

“Gloria, is this true?” her tone and expression was that of someone betrayed.

“It is,” mum answered and slowly made her way between me and her high school friend. “My son-in-law is currently out though, it’s a pity you couldn’t meet him. He just left a few minutes ago.”

“Son?” aunt Susan looked at Brandon with an expression that clearly asked for him to confirm if he knew all about this.

“This is why I didn’t want to come here,” he replied, still sounding indifferent. “She and I have nothing to do with each other.”

After he finished speaking, Brandon’s hand dug his jean pocket and produced a slim metal container. He opened it, took one of the cigarettes inside, and put it in his mouth. He then searched his other pocket for his lighter. Just when he was about to light his cigarette, he seemed to remember that he was in a private home. For the first time since their arrival, he showed some sign of emotion. He frowned and put his lighter away.

No one spoke and the entire living room was shrouded with awkward silence. I didn’t say anything because I just didn’t know what to say… And in fairness to Brandon, what he said was correct, we did have nothing to do with each other. As aunt Susan continued to stand in stunned silence, Brandon’s mask of indifference slowly cracked. Meanwhile, mum’s stance grew more and more protective as though she was expecting a fight to break out any minute.

“Mother, now that you know what you know, can we please leave?” Brandon queried impatiently and looked at his watch. “I have a meeting at five and you know I hate being late.”

“O-of course.” Aunt Susan threw me another look before following her son outside. “Well, Gloria, it seems we have to cut our visit short.”

Mum didn’t say anything and just showed them out. The moment the front door closed behind her, she exhaled deeply and grew limp.

“Mum!” I hurried to her side. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, I… I was just so tensed earlier,” she exhaled again and held my arm for support. “I thought they came to bring trouble. I couldn’t stop Susan from entering because as soon as I opened the door she just barged in.”

“Do you want some water?” I asked the moment she was seated on the couch, I furrowed by brows when I noticed she was shaking.

“Yes, please.”

I went to the kitchen and poured her a glass. I patted her back as she drank. Ever since she found out about what Brandon did to me during Kaname’s photoshoot, mum slowly avoided aunt Susan in the hopes of eventually cutting ties with her. She never liked confrontations which was why she didn’t speak to her friend about her son. Besides, Brandon is a grown man and doesn’t need his mother to tell him what’s right and wrong.

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