Was It Very Difficult?

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After showing him how it's done, Kaname started folding and hanging his new clothes while I ironed those that needed ironing. We worked silently, the both of us engrossed in doing our respective tasks. I was hanging his new suit inside the closet when I felt his arms around my waist.

"Hmm?" I asked, turning my head to look at him.

"Feeling better?" he asked after giving my nape a kiss.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"You sure?" concern reeked from the two words.

"I am."

He held my hips and made me face him. His odd eyes searched my face for whatever it was he was looking for. Kaname suddenly breathed a huge sigh of relief and smiled.

"I'm glad," he said while tracing my jaw. "I love you, Hina."

"I love you more, anata," I replied before leaning in for a kiss.

His hands immediately tightened around me and our kiss grew deeper. We were both out of breath when our lips parted and I almost melted at the look he was giving me. I suddenly heard Destiny's Child singing in my head:

I know that he loves me 'cause it's obvious
I know that he loves me 'cause it's me he trusts
And he's missin' me if he's not kissin' me
And when he looks at me, his brown eyes tell his soul

"Well, his odd eyes tell his soul," I mumbled before giving him a quick peck.

"So tell me," he spoke, our eyes still lost in each other's. "What did you want to know about what happened when you disappeared?"

"A lot of things," I paused then whispered, "Was it... Was it very difficult?"

His smile faltered a bit but remained plastered on his face nonetheless. Kaname pulled me towards the bed and made me lie beside him. While playing with my hair, he began, "Was it very difficult? Well... Let's just say I nearly went crazy. I was shouting orders to everyone in the ooku while trying to calm down the children. Miyako wouldn't stop crying, Touya was fighting back his tears, while Riku kept shouting 'mama.' Although it was already evening, I ordered Shouta and three of our shadow guards to accompany me to the pine forest where we first met. We arrived at the crack of dawn, and like a lunatic I searched its every corner for you.

"I only stopped when the sun was high above the sky. If you were there, you would've come running to me the moment you heard me. You wouldn't wait until I almost lost my voice calling out your name," his hand paused and I shifted to see that his eyes were closed.

"You don't have to continue of it's so painful," I said softly.

When he opened his eyes, a drop of tear fell from the corner of his blue eye, "When I returned, the Red Priestess was already waiting for me. She is known for her magical capabilities, people far and wide would willingly give up their entire family's fortune in exchange for her services. I asked Taneyuki-san to get in touch with her before I rode off with Shouta.

"As soon as she entered my study, the Red Priestess told me she wanted nothing but the truth. She vowed to do everything she could but in exchange, I had to be honest with her. So I hid nothing from her... I told her how we met and how you disappeared. When I finished, the Red Priestess asked to be left alone in your room. I was desperate and she was known for her integrity so I agreed. She stayed there until the final hour of the rat. When she emerged from your room, she told me that she tried to get in touch with a woman who spoke in a different tongue. Unfortunately, despite her calls, the woman's anguish drowned her out. She tried several times but her attempts were all in vain. Aside from the woman's cries, the Red Priestess also heard so many unfamiliar sounds. She tried to understand and decipher what she heard but failed miserably. The Red Priestess asked for my forgiveness for she failed to fulfill her part of the bargain. The next day, I announced your demise. When Mami heard the news, she immediately went to visit me despite her condition."

"She did? But wasn't her pregnancy a very delicate one?" I frowned.

"She loves you, too, Hina," Kaname explained. "You were the only friend Mami has ever had so news of your 'passing' was something she couldn't ignore... You also know how pigheaded that woman was, so Iura-san had no choice but to accompany her. When she arrived in the castle, she wasted no time and demanded an audience with me. The children got to her first and together, they cried their eyes out.

"I told Mami what happened that night. To the outside world, everyone believed you died... But majority of the people inside the ooku knew better. Mami tried to help me find a way to bring you back. However, as the seasons changed and the years passed, our search was futile.

"The children grew up and found their own calling. Riku, the shy and timid son of ours, surprised me when he told me he wanted to be my successor. Miyako, who had always been fond of children and teaching, decided to be the first female minister of education. Touya, who could turn something so simple into a magnificent work of art, spent his days honing his craft. A few years later, our children met their intended.

"Miyako fell in love with a commoner. The man, despite his humble background, was honest and a hard worker. His name was Kobayashi Taki. Taki-kun loved and cherished our daughter so much. Maybe because he was orphaned at such a young age, he indulged and spoiled our grandchildren rotten. She and Miyako were the first ones to bless us with their very own rice balls. Shusei and Aoi loved hearing stories about you," Kaname chuckled. "Aoi's eyes would always brighten at the mere mention of your name. Whenever we pass by the portrait Touya painted of you, she would demand to be carried so she can pay her respects to her grandmother. I doted on that little one so much, Miyako would tease me about it."

"And Shusei?"

"He reminded me of my younger self. He's quite mischievous," he chuckled again and told me several stories about Shusei's adventures.

"What about Touya and Riku?" I asked once we both recovered from our laughter.

"Touya married Ibara Ayame. Like our son, she was also gifted in the arts. She came from a prominent samurai family in the east. They met during one of Touya's exhibits. Their marriage was perfect; unfortunately, Ayame had a poor constitution and was unable to bear a child. It didn't change Touya's love for her, though. Instead, it made him love her more.

"Lastly, Riku ended up with the only daughter of Arima-san. She was an interesting one, that Tsugumi. She loved horses and her past time was hunting, definitely a far cry from all the ladies who threw themselves at Riku. He took a liking at her when she beat him in sword practice... Which was not an easy feat. Riku is a better swordsman than me, to be beaten by that Arima child meant that she was indeed exceptional. Despite her tough exterior, that child was still a lady deep down. After being wooed and courted by our firstborn, she eventually said yes.

"During his free time, Riku would have her by his side. They were completely smitten with each other, they were inseparable. It was also due to this fact that I accidentally discovered what I did at the stables. However, finding out that he could subdue that tough young woman in bed reminded me of the two of us."

"What do you mean by that?" I raised one brow at him.

He laughed and said seductively, "We both know I always get the upper hand in bed."

"Ha! Do you have selective memory, my dear husband? Remember when we first shared a mutual kiss? You turned into mush!" I said smugly. "You even had to turn to your precious right hand to relieve yourself."

"I did not!" he denied, embarrassed.

"Yes, you did! I remember that night very well," I laughed at his expression. I then turned serious and purred, "In fact, even now... Just a simple touch of my nails on your sensitive spots is enough to make you beg."

He grabbed my hand that was caressing his toned midsection. "You accuse me of being a pervert but you're an even bigger pervert than me."

"My love, there's a difference between a pervert and a seductress," I whispered to his ear and pulled my hand from his grip to continue teasing him. When I felt his muscles ripple then tighten, I laughed and got out of bed. "I won."

"Oi! Finish what you started!" he complained.

"Didn't you say we're not going to do something perverted?" I giggled before blowing him a kiss and going downstairs.

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