Like A Dutiful Wife

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That night, mum cooked up a feast to formally welcome Kaname and Charles in our family. She handled everything like it was a normal occurrence and not something straight out of a romance novel. Kaname, who I've never seen so engrossed in cooking before, helped her with everything. He worked enthusiastically beside her which made mum smile brightly. Charles and I weren't given any kitchen duties aside from dropping by the nearest grocery store to buy ingredients that weren't in the pantry.

"Father looks so happy," Charles said as he buckled his seatbelt. "I guess Ryuko-san was right, you're the only one who could truly make him smile from his heart."

"Ryuko-san..." a small smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I remembered my faithful head maid. "I miss her and the rest of my maids."

"They all took care of us well, Ryuko-san always told us stories about you before we went to sleep. It helped calm both me and Miyako during the first year you left," he muttered softly as we drove out of the driveway. His eyes shone with a tinge of sadness as he recalled his past life.

"Sorry for leaving you," I covered his hand that was in the gear stick with one of mine. "If I had a choice, I wouldn't have left."

"Mama, no one is blaming you," he gave me an assuring smile. "Yes, it was hard for all of us but that's how whoever was in charge of things wanted it. We should be all grateful that we all met in the first place. It's unfair, yeah, but I know if you were given a choice you'd still choose to meet father."

"You're right," I leaned my back on the leather backrest comfortably. "You're much more understanding and mature about this whole matter. When I was forcefully returned to this time, all I could think of was the unfairness of it all."

"Maybe I'm just saying this because the three of us are together now," he chuckled. "Now all that's left is for my siblings to join us."

I smiled and nodded. Touya and Miyako will surely make this reunion a complete one. With the twins in mind, I caressed my flat belly for the rest of the trip. I miss those rice balls terribly.


"I'll be going back to work tomorrow," I told Kaname as I combed his long and silky hair. He was sitting on the edge of the bed while I sat behind him in a semi-lotus position. We just finished taking a shower and the entire house was quiet once more. Mum and Charles were in their respective rooms while Panther was snoring softly on his bed by the dresser.

"I know," he nodded and shifted so he was facing me. "What time do you have to leave?"

"On the second hour of the rabbit," I replied. "Don't worry, I'll return as soon as possible."

"Alright," he grabbed my chin and kissed me. "We still have time, don't we?"

"Time for what?" I asked although I was already slightly shivering from the anticipation of what's going to happen in a few seconds.

"To make rice balls," he answered seductively before coaxing my mouth open with his tongue. "I want two and we shall name them Touya and Miyako.."


"So do we still have time?" his hands were now exploring the sensitive areas underneath my pajama top.

"Yes," I whispered against his lips while wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him down on the bed with me.


"Hina, wake up," Kaname said while lightly shaking my shoulder.

"Ugh," I groaned and covered my head with a pillow.

"It's time for you get up," he chuckled and took the pillow away. "Do you want to be tardy?"

"Five more minutes," I begged. "Please give me five more minutes."

I've been sleeping so well with him beside me that I didn't want to leave the bed. It felt warmer and much more comfortable because of him, I suddenly had the urge to call in sick.

"Sorry, my love, but I can't," he scooped me up and led me to the bathroom. I heard the squeaking sound of the shower knob before it was replaced by the sound of water hitting the tiled floor.

"Hey!" I complained when the icy water hit my bare skin.

"Wake up, you have work today," he laughed and directed the shower head to my face, effectively eliminating my sleepiness.

"Anata!" I sputtered when some of the water entered my mouth. "Alright, alright! I get it! I'm awake now, okay!? Geez!"

"Good," he chuckled again and put me down. "I'll go downstairs and prepare breakfast."

"Huh?" I looked at him in disbelief. "You? Make breakfast?"

"Yes," he grinned at me. "Mother taught me lots of things yesterday and I'm a quick learner. You'll be amazed, trust me."

"Oh-kay?" I replied, still in doubt.

"How very supportive," he laughed then gave my bare bum a not-so-gentle slap.

"Kaname!" I gave him a dirty look and directed the water at him.

Unfortunately, the great shogun is agile and was able to avoid getting soaked. He copied what I did last time and blew me a kiss before finally leaving me alone to bathe.


Charles and I stared at the spread before us with our jaws hanging. Kaname wasn't joking, I did end up getting amazed... Amazed at how he was able to make garlic fried rice, sunny-side up eggs, and fried chicken jerky. There was even a pot of tea and a mug of coffee for Charles.

"Wow," Charles said after taking a tentative sip of the steaming hot black drink. "Delicious."

"What did you expect?" Kaname asked smugly as he placed some food on my plate like a dutiful wife.

"This is heavenly," I moaned as soon as the flavorful rice and chicken hit my taste buds. "Anata, how..?"

I looked at him with deep admiration and surprise. These weren't in last night's dinner so I can't attribute his skill with recycling leftovers. We also don't have any store-bought jerkies so the chicken was definitely homemade.

"I told you you'll be amazed," Kaname's eyes were twinkling from my praise. He looked so puffed up, I almost wanted to check if there were yellow feathers inside his mouth.

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