Wasn't That Just A One-Off?

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"These clothes are quite tight," Kaname remarked while stretching both his arms and legs. His pants were sewn in the skinny fashion while his shirt's sleeves looked like they were about to burst at the seams from his flexing.

"They make you look younger though," I said as I touched his lip ring. "This look real, too."

"It feels weird," he ran the tip of his tongue on the silver accessory curiously.

"Your hair is beautiful so we won't do much to it," the stylist interrupted.

Kaname sat back on the makeup chair to have his hair combed, tied into a loose half pony tail, and set with wax to make it look sleek and polished. Once done, he was instructed to go to the area where the shoot was going to be.

The background was set to look like a university hall with other models dressed in school uniforms. Upon closer look, their outfits somewhat resembled Kaname's, only more formally academic. A female model was styled to look like the perfect student with her long hair, immaculate uniform, and squeaky clean shoes. She was talking to a male model who was donning the same style. I've seen them on magazines, catalogues, and print ads before so they're very experienced. Each of them were given school bags and books while Kaname was handed only a thin notebook as a prop.

"So the concept of our first shoot is about not judging the book by its cover," Brandon said. "As you all know, Karina and Joshua will be a couple that everyone thinks is perfect. However, unbeknownst to everyone Josh is an abusive boyfriend. During a very dark moment in their relationship, help will come in the form of Kaname who is known to be the university's eccentric. We will shoot different scenes portraying this story before proceeding with the video."

"I will be the person behind the lens so please give me your best," Sabrina announced while holding a camera.

The models as well as Kaname nodded their assent.

"Alright. Places, everyone!" Brandon instructed as he sat on his director's chair.

As Karina and Joshua were already professionals, their spreads were taken with minimal effort. Brandon and Sabrina showered them with praises after praises. I glanced at the monitor in front of Brandon and couldn't help but agree with them. The photos were visual versions of the story. I walked to where Kaname was standing while observing the two models.

"Are you ready, anata?" I asked as the sound of flashes and the camera clicking mixed with the pop song playing in the background.

"I did my own preparations so I guess I am," he replied.

I reached out to hold his hands. "Break a leg and make me proud, my love."

"I will, mahal," he promised before lowering his head to kiss me.

However, when his lips were about to touch mine, Brandon's voice came and stopped us.

"Next scene!" Brandon yelled, his foot was tapping the floor impatiently.

Before Kaname could walk to the brightly lit area where three production assistants were hurriedly changing the set, I decided to proceed with our interrupted kiss. I gave him a good luck kiss on the cheek then released him. I know how Kaname gets more motivated when I show him my support through actions and not just words, I especially wore kiss-proof lipstick for this reason.

When he stood on the corner of the set as he waited for the setup and background change to finish, I started to become really nervous. I began biting my nails, I only stopped when the taste of dry nail lacquer hit my taste buds.

Sabrina slid a different professional external flash on her camera before giving her models an okay sign. She then positioned the viewfinder on her left eye, found the angle she was satisfied with before basically going on a photo frenzy. I watched with rapt attention as Kaname and his co-models did pose after pose while Sabrina clicked away.

Unlike the previous sets, only Sabrina aired her praises. I'm not being biased but Kaname was killing it, his body language and eyes were perfectly expressing what he needed to and more. He was as in the zone as everyone else on the set was. He reminded me of those Chinese apparel models whose videos of them showing pose after pose effortlessly went viral. His movements were neither drastic nor awkward, he posed with such fluidity I began to wonder how he could do so without pausing to think about what to do next. Instead, he waited patiently as Karina and Joshua decided on their poses. Kaname wasn't outshone at all. Rather, it was him who led the entire shoot! The two models struggled to keep up with him!

"Alright, that's a wrap for this set!" Brandon announced. "We'll have a quick break before we go ahead with the video," he stood up from his chair and walked out of the room to go somewhere.

"Amazing!" Sabrina exclaimed excitedly. "I have been doing fashion and portrait photography for years but I have NEVER seen anyone transform and get into character as quickly and perfectly like you did, Kaname!"

"So have I," Karina echoed, obviously awestruck. "Are you sure this is your modeling debut? You aren't secretly some bigshot model in Japan, right?"

"If he is we would have known," Joshua told Karina. With a huge adoring grin aimed at my husband, he said, "I bow down to thee! When I was starting out I was like a fish out of water. I was super awkward and uncomfortable during my first shoot, I was actually told by the photographer to leave."

"I'm just portraying what I think my character would have done and looked like if I was really him," Kaname answered humbly and with all seriousness.

"But you're a newcomer, man!" Joshua shook his head. "This is your debut yet you completely crushed us."

Karina and Sabrina laughed at Joshua's admission.

"I owe it all to my wife," Kaname motioned for me to come over. "My Hina helped me practice."

Helped him practice? Wasn't that just a one-off? Plus it wasn't even a serious one! How did he owe me anything?

"Do you model as well?" Karina asked me as soon as I joined them. "Or do you dabble in photography like Sab here?"

Joshua and Sabrina looked at me with anticipation.

"Aside from being Kaname's wife and my mother's daughter, I'm only a mere corporate slave," I told them honestly.

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