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So the video is called rejects I don't own The video.  If you watched the video then....
Oh well lol. I had a difficult time which character to use for the video
But now that I chose it, it will be varian and Cassandra there talking.
And this is after they betrayed Rapunzel and Cass and varian made up. So there like friends now...
Start the video now
*varian closing the door*
Cass: Hey varian
varian: HAM! Cass..Cass. Hi Cass do you want ham? I don't have any ham... what are you doing here?
Cass:I live here
Varian: gReAt did your hair lose... weight?
Cass: what's in the living room?
Varian: What is in the living room? Did you get new...arms?
Cass: move out of the way!
Varian: nOooO

*both screaming*

Varian: tHaT is a nice chair... let's just look at it
Cass: I've already seen the dead body you can't distract me
*body slips out behind the chair*
Varian: so nice...
Cass: What are these dead bodies doing here?!
Varian: honestly not much
Cass: I'm calling the police
Varian: uhhh hAm! *throws ham at Cassandra's face*
Cass: I want answers
Varian: okay I lied I do have ham...
Cass: about the bodies!
Varian: oh well You know when you want to tell someone something but you don't want to hurt their feelings so you kind of bottle it up inside till it develops Into an overwhelming urge to kill them...

Cass: Obviously
Varian: I cloned you so I can kill you

Cass: oh my god wait why did you clone me twice??
Varian: yes.....twice

*varian gunshots*
uUh Adios!
Cass: Who was that?
Varian: tHaT was Spanish Cass I call her spass
Cass: why?
Varian It's a portmanteau of Spanish and Cass
Cass: no why was She Spanish?!
Varian: oh yeah the cloning took a while to perfect...they were rejects...
Cass: how many rejects?

HAs aNyOnE sEeN mY pEnIs?

Cass: why would it be in your hair?
Varian: that's uh doesn't understand human body Cass
Cass: oh
hEy sAy tHaT tO mY fAcE
*varian gunshots*
AuuHh mY kNeEs

ReMemBeR kIdS if a StrAnge man Offers you sweets
There's probably more in hIs cAr

Varian: really bad advice Cass
Cass: oh right
*varian gunshots*
DRiNk bLeAcH!

I really hate this next guy
Varian: racist Cass
*varian gunshots*

Pfft white people
Varian: secretly Asian Cass
*varian gunshots*
Cass: really? They all look same to me
Varian: whoah
Cass: The clones....wh- really really?

*varian gunshots multiple times to clones*

Varian: Barbershop quartet Cass
Cass: So Umm is that all of them?
Varian: well there's suicidal cass but...uh..


Varian: Yup that's all of them

Cass: Ugh thank god
Cass: You know if you have something to say you can just say it to me we've all bottled up our feelings to the point where we feel like Our only option is to murder a bunch of clones but you can just talk to me okay?

Varian:Thanks Cass
Cass: So Uh What was it you wanted to say?
Varian: your a clone
Cass: What?
Varian: I turned the real Cass to a chair
Cass: What?!
Varian: I call her chass

*chass screaming even Cass the clone*

Hey guys
*varian gunshots*
Cass: was that another clone?
Varian: yeah...

Yeah hope you liked this oOf

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