qUoTes 4

857 18 70

yEs qUotes IM ALVE the first one isn't really a quote-

Varian holding back tears: 🎶 next stop nowhere-
Cause I'm sitting here- in this musty dungeon
Next stop- nowhere
And my fates growing darker with every second spent in here
Varian: *sobs*

oH okay I'm sorry-

Varian: my dad is always disappointed by me...Nothing I dO is enough for him.I just can't make him proud.
Eugene: Buddy I think you would want to see this
*points behind him*
Varian: *turns around*
Hundreds of fans cheering and holding signs: GO VARIAN! WE'RE PROUD OF YOU! Your our son now!
We love you!!


Rapunzel: I need advice
Varian: I am not great at Advices, Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?

I'd wish you the best of Luck,But I believe luck is a concept created by the weak to explain their failures
~ Varian

Eugene: If I die, please make sure to put blush on my eye bags so they look normal for the funeral
Cassandra: Oh you have what we call a "close casket face".

Quirin: Did you eat all the powdered donuts?
Varian: (Mouth full of food) No...
Quirin: Then what's that on your shirt?
Varian: Cocaine

This situation is bad enough, Demanitus Don't make it worse with puns
~ Eugene

Rapunzel: Guys, we need a plan out of here
Lance: Okay, Okay how about we get shorty a pig costume
Shorty: I like it!
Lance: And we use Shorty as a human sacrifice!
Shorty: I like it!

Varian: hey dad? My hands are stuck in the Pringle's tube
Varian: Both hands yes...
Varian: Look it's not important how I dialed the number, just please send help

Eugene: you seriously need to clam down
Lance: But how can ice cream be birthday cake flavor if Birthday cake can be any flavor?!

Rapunzel: Destiny is calling!
Cassandra: I wish destiny would lose our number.

Cassandra: why are your tongues purple?
Rapunzel: Oh Eugene and I had slushies!
Rapunzel: I had a red one, and he had a Blue one!
Varian: Oh
Varian: OH
Varian: OHH-

Cassandra: So you drank each other's slushies?

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