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Some let me make your proud Bloopers
By the way vArIaN acting through the song he and strings in him so it can help him jump really far.

"Maybe But never the LeSsS"
*varian rolls down the hill then into a giant snowball*
*varian gets up*  oOF I'm okay!
Director: CUT

"Let me make you proud"
"Let meE show you-"
Varian: "wOaH"
*varian trips then falls of while balancing the wrecked tree*
Varian:There's no wAy I'm bAlAncInG oN tHaT"
Director: your doing for the song.... gReAt I hAvE tO eDiT tHaT pArT. CUT

"Let me give you a reason to believe-"
*varian falls of while climbing up*
Director: CUT

Next part
"That I'm so TALL"
Varian: *wheezing*
Director: CUT
Varian: What? I'm so short! Even rApUnzEl is taller than me! And other people!

"And when I return"
"And I'm more than you dreamed I be"
"Maybe then you will realize that I will be taller than you at all"
Varian: *BREATHES* "that walking is so long!" "And I'm still short!"
People in background: *kind of wheezing*
Director: cUt

"I will prove that the way I used to be is all in the past!"
"I jUsT mAdE yOu "dIe"!
varian: *laughing* I'm sorry this is suppose to be sad of my "dad" being encased. bUt iTs aCtInG lEmmE hAvE fUn.
Director: cUt

"If it's the last thing I ever dO"
"I will make yoU-"
*varian almost falling of the wood*
Varian: sHi-
Director: CUT

"The look of surprise when you see your son fighting cOrOanA"
"The look of surprise when you see your son rotting..."
"iN jAiL"
Varian: I forgot the lyrics.... and I spoiled it didn't I?
Person: yes but we will-
Director: cUt!

I couldn't stop thinking about the bloopers in my head Lol

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