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What if the Original Varian meets the other Au Varian's?
Like the varian Who is still friends with Rapunzel...

Varian in a white room: HELLO?

Someone: hI

Varian: Wait yOur mE?!

Criminal varian (WHo betrayed Rapunzel): yEah that's me Wait your Also mE!

Varian: Wait where are your apron,goggles, and Gloves??

CVarian:.... um I'm in jail...

Varian: WHat?! What for?!

CVarian: um Attacking the royal family,Also corona,Almost ambered The queen. Tried to free my dad but no my revenge did not work

Varian:... what? Why did you do revenge?

CVarian:.... Wait are you friends with Rapunzel?

Varian: yeah we're great friends-

CVarian: well your gonna be me one day just saying Rapunzel is nOt gOinG tO hElP you in the snow storm she is gonna promise "eVeRytHinG iS gOnNa bE oKay I prOmIse" so watch out

Varian: okkkkkayyyy?? *gAsP* so your the future me?


School varian pops up: hEy gUys wOah...

Varian: oh my god what is that?! *pointing at his phone*

SVarian: Umm it's a phone?....

Varian: wOaH whATs a pHoNe?

SVarian: What year are you living in?

Varian:.... ummm

CVarian: sHOw uS how to use a pHoNe!

SVarian: well you see here this is the home screen you press this button and then it will show you a password-

Varian: oH wE nEEd tO figure out the password??

SVarian: nO, but when your first get your phone you have to make up your password-

CVarian: oh wHy dO wE hAvE tO pUt oN a password what if I forget??

SVarian: YOu have a choice if you want a password or not on your phone/Tablet/Computer-

Varian: whats a tAbLeT? COmpUtEr????

SVarian in his mind: oh my Jesus since when did I become a teacher??.

Moondrop Varian comes in: hEy guys what's up??

*Everyone else staring at Varian's hair flying glowing and Black rocks sprouting behind him*

Varian: Umm are you magical or something-

MVarian: I'm the moondrop!

Varian: hA hA ive oNlY heArD of the sUn drop now can you be a mOoN dRoP *wHeEzE* I do not believe in Magic

SVarian: someone explain to me what iS a sUndRoP and these mOoN drop stuff??

MVarian: well you see here

1 hour later

SVarian: okay I get it now lemme take a picture-

Varian: hey guys look another me!

CVarian: yOu mEaN us?

Varian: whatever hEy!

*Suicidal Varian looks at them*

Varian: ummmm... are you okay?

SuVarian talking in emotionless voice: Hello...

Varian creeped out and getting awkward: um.... I'll go now you can join us....if you want....

SVarian: So wHo is the other us? Clone thing.

Varian: Umm emotionless?


Varian: I dOnT kNOw hE tAlKed eMoTiOnLesS...

Villain Varian comes up (He is a villain Yes he evil And He teamed up with Lady Caine that's a part of the Au..)

VVarian: whats going on here?

Varian: So WhIcH Varian are you?

VVarian:...ummm lets just say that I'm evil

CVarian: like me? Well not completely went to jail before?

VVarian: yeah, but I teamed up with someone

VVarian: Who are you people anyways?.

*everyone looks at each other*

SVarian: Umm Lets sAy were in different Au's, ANywAY you look cool! Let me take a picture with you

VVarian: okay?

SVarian: sElfIe!

VVarian: woah what's that? *pointing at the phone*

MVarian: yeah what is it you never told us

SVarian: OH MY GOD-

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