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Yeah idk what to name this
But anyways

Quirin: Varian's on that age when a boy has only one thing on his mind
Eugene: girls?
Varian: Homicide

When I walk past a automatic and it opens for me I worry if I don't go in I'll hurt its feelings
~ Rapunzel

The first step to every murder is to have fun and be yourself
~ Hector

Due to personal reasons,I'm evil now
~ Cassandra

My life isn't as glamorous as my wanted poster wanted to look
~ Eugene

I'm well aware that I've accidentally set myself on fire and it's none of your business. I don't need your pity water either. let me burn in peace
~ Varian

Why do spiders have to be the thing inside houses? Why can't it be hamster? Why can't I open a drawer and see a tiny hamster eat a carrot?
~ Lance

Arianna: Your violent
Varian: yeah,but I'm also short so it's adorable

Varian: I am a very bad person,I am a very very bad person. I'm a horrible person.
Varian: 'no your not,Varian! We still love you varian!'

Adira: what's the easiest way to steal a mans wallet?
Staylyan: knife to the throat?
Hector: Gun to the back?
Varian: poison his cup?
Rapunzel: your all horrible.

Rapunzel: stop trying to rain on my rainbow
Varian: you need rain to make a rainbow
Rapunzel: dOnT you dArE uSe sCieNcE oN mE!

Rapunzel: I wanna go skydiving!
Varian:I went skydiving once...
Rapunzel:Wait,really? Was it cool-
Varian: it sucked
Rapunzel: what? Why?
Varian: they made me wear a parachute.
Quirin, from the next room: VARIAN nO-

Shorty: you must be surprised to see me here
Rapunzel: not really since you follow us everywhere.

King Frederic: I am your king
Varian: Well, I didn't vote for you.

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