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yUp mOrE I hope this makes up for it
Because I haven't been a alive and kept yOu wAitInG LOL-

Varian: GO big! Or go home?
Quirin: I am begging you son, for once in your life go home. Please just this once go home-
Varian *Already holding the sulfuric acid*: I'm gOinG BIG

Eugene or Cass probably: I relate to Belle, because she loves to read and loves people for there souls!
Varian: I relate to tinker bell because she needs attention or she'll die
Rapunzel: I think Rapunzel is pretty cool...

Cassandra: Anybody under 5'7 can't be talking about fighting anyone like what you gonna do? Headbutt someone in the chest?
Varian: Say goodbye to your kneecaps A*shole

Rapunzel: IF you kill a killer the number of killers in this world stays the same
Varian: kill two

Eugene: why is Varian crying?
Cassandra: He took one of those "which Disney character Are You" quizzes
Eugene: Oh, what did he get?
Cassandra: Rapunzel

Rapunzel and Eugene: *reach for the burger at the same time* *hands touch* *looks at each other's eyes* *this magic moment plays* *Rose petal falls from the sky*
Cassandra and Varian: *reach for the burger at the same time* *hands touch*
Varian: Get your hands off my f*cking McDonalds

Rapunzel: truth or dare?
Varian: truth
Rapunzel: how many hours have you slept this week?
Varian: dare
Rapunzel: Go to sleep
Varian: I don't like this game anymore

Cassandra: I'm going to make your life Hell!
Varian: jokes on you my life is already Hell!
Cassandra: ...are you okay?
Varian, whispering: no

Varian: Oh feelings? Yeah I don't have those anymore
Rapunzel: What?? You can't just do that! What's the point on living if you can't feel happiness? and wonder? Love?
Varian: Or the sweet taste of revenge! Your right Rapunzel! What's the point of living if I can't enjoy simple things?
Rapunzel:....eh close enough....

Rapunzel: Words ending in "ie" are so cute. Like "cutie", "sweetie", "cookie"-
Varian: "Die"

When I die, I want Rapunzel to lower me to my grave, so she can let me down one last time

Varian: I sure showed those guys huh?
Varian: Did you see how Uncomfortable they got when I started crying?

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