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iTs bAcK-

Eugene: Describe your life in less than 10 words
Varian: Not gonna last long.
(Later to Quirin)
Eugene: Yeah, just keep Varian away from sharp objects and high places for a few days thanks.

Lance: Oh my god! I'm so sad my pet dog died today. : ' (
Varian: Well at least it's out of his misery! :)
Lance: *Stops crying* Why?
Varian: It was YOUR dog right?
Lance: >:0

Varian: SO that it...I stole the sundrop flower, kidnapped the queen and threatened to actually kill her, then I erased the king and queens memory and almost helps a bunch of crazy Saporians blow up the kingdom...
Quirin: ...
Quirin: Can I get back in the Amber now

Rapunzel: You were stabbed. Do you remember anything?
Varian: Only the ambulance ride to the Hospital
Eugene: THaT wasn't an ambulance I drove you.
Varian: But I heard a siren?
Rapunzel: Oh that was Lance
Lance: I'm sorry I gOt NervOuS

Varian: *Opens door*
Quirin: where were you all evening?
Varian: UH I was traIniNg wItH...Rapunzel?
Rapunzel: *Turns chair around* You want to try again?

Varian: But dad, if Adira leaves, I'll lose one of my warrior babysitters!
Quirin: You'll still have your Uncle Hector
Varian *Yelling*: HEy, Uncle Hector! CAN I PLAY WITH THE CHAIN SAW?
Hector: *From another room* Of course! Just try not to lose a finger! It's messy!

Quirin: Son you can be destructive-
Varian: I can?!
Quirin: I wasn't giving you permission!
Varian: Too late! I already broke something

Andrew: How old are you? three?
Varian: I'm fifteen
Andrew: Cool. I don't know anything about kids
Rapunzel: This is my son Varian
Andrew: And he is very small. I think. I shall like to kick him
Rapunzel: You c a n n o t

Lance: Were thick as thieves!
Eugene: Okay.
Lance: As juicy as burglars!
Eugene: Stop.
Lance: Just a couple of dummy thicc stealy bois

Varian: At my funeral, there's going to be a closed casket. And then it'll be open to reveal that I'm not inside. Instead, they'll turn on the ceiling fan and my lifeless body will swing around the room while the space jam song is playing.
Varian: Never mind. My dad says I can't do that...

Rapunzel: Are you trying to hurt my feelings? Because if so, your succeeding
Rapunzel: Fortunately, my feelings regenerate at twice the speed of a normal persons.

Varian: I hate thanksgivi-
Lance: Unfollowed, unfriended, blocked, my mom is calling your mom and you're not invited to my birthday party.
Varian: Both our moms are dead Lance...
Lance: Well your still not invited to my birthday so there.

Varian: You might find this hard to believe, but I can be a little childish sometimes
Cassandra: You have gum in your hair right now.
Varian: Noted.

Hector: I'm a really good fighter! I once bit the jump rope in half!
Adira: why?
Hector: What do you mean "why?"

Thug life? More like Hug life! Come here!
~ Rapunzel

Varian: SO an octopus can change its color to mimic its surroundings. When octopi do this it's called-
Eugene: An octo-lie
Varian: ... metachrosis
Eugene: Mocktopus

Rapunzel: Cassandra, it's Rapunzel and Eugene! Y'know your friends?
Cassandra: Who needs friends when you've got POWER?

Rapunzel: What are the hardest things to say?
Varian: "I was wrong"
Cassandra: "I need help"
Lance: "Worcestershire sauce"

Varian: We shouldn't have come. I knew it. We shouldn't have come
Rapunzel: We had to. There safety in numbers
Varian: Well, THERES also death in numbers, Rapunzel it's called a massacre

Rapunzel: Whats your blood type?
Varian: How would I know?
Rapunzel: How would you nOt?
Varian: Who am I? Karl Landsteiner, discoveries of blood groups?
Rapunzel: You don't know your blood type. But you know who discovered them?

If all of you need help at all: too bad. Deal with your problems yourself like adults.
~ Adira, probably

Ocean pollution is a huge problem, but there is an obvious solution. Raccoons love to eat garbage. Therefore, if we trained a raccoon navy. They'd be able to go out into the sea and eat the ocean garbage. I don't see how this plan could go wrong. We could also give them swords.
~ Varian

- The entire Tangled fandom at the moment

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