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yeS back with the Quotes LoL

The best way to end a argument by communicating clearly with the other person as most arguments are caused by miscommunication. The second best way to end a argument is to throw down a bath bomb and leave immediately

Cassandra: why are Raps and Eugene sitting back to back?
Lance: they had a fight
Cassandra: why are they holding hands?
Lance: they get sad when they fight

My father didn't raise me to be a quitter.In fact, my father didn't raise me

Hector: I finally figured out why are you so serious all the time- you have a updog.
Quirin: whats Updog?

Hey, I can be dark and brooding too- guys, look a rainbow!

Anything is free if you run fast enough

Quirin: What iS tHe ONE tHinG I told you NOT tO dO?
Varian: Burn the house down....
Quirin: And wHaT did you dO?
Varian: Made you dinner!  :D
Varian: ....and burn the house down..... :(

Hector: so here the tea.
Quirin: FOr the last time it's called a "mission report"
Hector: do you want the tea? Or not?

Rapunzel: you have one day to live. What do you do?
Lance: cry
Cassandra: something illegal and edgy
Varian: I'd message 10 people on Facebook saying that if they don't forward the message to 10 people I would die tomorrow
Eugene: I think I would worry so much about what to do I'd end up doing nothing

If you ever feel safe, please remember that I'm out there

Stan *cuffing Varian*: you have the right to remain silent
Varian: *tilts head, smiles* I choose to waive that right
Varian: *takes a deep breath*
Varian: *SCREAMS*

Eugene: sO you remember the plan if I ever get injured right?
Lance: Of course
Eugene: tell me
Lance: In the case of you ever being injured, as you fall to the ground, I'm going to sing MMM WHATCHA SAY no matter the circumstances
Eugene: good

Rapunzel: so what are you doing for the Day Of Hearts?
Cassandra: Oh the usual, I go to the drugstore and buy up all the cards, then watch the forgetful husbands panic.

There's something I should say.Ive meant to say always and never have. Since it's unlikely we'll ever meet again, I might as well say it now. - Varian is actually a Girls name.
Varian ;-; ~

Science fact: The world around you is made up of protons, neutrons, electrons, and morons

Varian: hey dad do you love me?
Quirin: of course I do, Varian
Varian: would you still love me if I did something bad?
Quirin: well of course I would
Varian: I mean something really really really really-
Quirin: VaRiaN, what did you dO?

How was I suppose to know there would be consequences for my actions?

Lance: they shouldn't say "All you can eat" if they don't mean it
Eugene: Lance you ate a chair...

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