
718 19 39

I'm bored
So anyways-

At the end of the Ep
Rapunzel: No! My home is covered in black rocks!
Varian: Oh wow, that must be so inconvenient of you.

Varian,sleep deprived: What if I pour coffee in my cereal instead of milk?
Eugene taking the coffee pot as he walks by: What if you don't

Rapunzel: Feelings better?
Varian: The yelling's on the inside instead of the outside now

Adira: This is stupid!
Hector: Hey! Nothing we've done so far has been UN-Stupid, and were still alive, aren't we?
Quirin: I can't really argue with that, but I feel like I should.

Lance: Are you talking to yourself?
Varian: Yes, it's the only way I can have an intelligent conversation in this house

Cassandra: Why hasn't anyone killed you yet?
Varian: Dumb luck. In that, I'm lucky you're all so dumb

Rapunzel: Hi Varian! Can you help with this crossword puzzle? I need a six letter word for "disappointment"
Varian: Varian
Rapunzel: It fits

Rapunzel: If I wore a shirt inside out, the entire universe would be wearing the shirt except me
Varian: Congratulations, you just explained Gödel's theorem in a single sentence
Rapunzel: *from the distance* NERD

Varian in Cassandra's Revenge: Cass, trust me, this isn't what you want! I know we can get through to you!
Varian in Once A Handmaiden:
D e s t r o y  C a s s a n d r a

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