Bloopers 2

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Yes once again more bloopers LOL
So I'm just going to take parts from different episodes to make it bloopers so yeah

First episode of season 1

Varian: "oh don't worry your high-"
Varian: "yOuR mAgeSty"
Rapunzel: I sAiD rApuNzEl
Cassandra: or call her rAps-
Director: cUt

Varian: I've got 3 pumps to shut of!i can't let that happen again!
*Giant tube about to land on them* (I tHiNk)
*cassandra hugs varian to save him*
Inside the tube:
Varian: oh so what perfume did you use to put on?
Cassandra: oh well the new Gucci perfume—

Director: cUt

Last episode of season 2

Cassandra: I tried to warn you Rapunzel...

Cassandra: You should've gave me my donuts...
Rapunzel: I KnOw I fOrgOt tO bUy yOu dOnUts iM sOrRy-
Director: cUt-

Episode "great exportations"

Cassandra: science is for dorks anyway
Varian: who's ready for the expo?!

Cassandra: Ah sh*t here we go again
People in background: laughing
Director: cUt


Varian: you know I only did it so I can empress you
Varian: Maybe you'll see what I was capable of you'll something in me...something special-

Cassandra: like lOvE? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Varian: yEaH! BIsh yOu sO bLinD bOi-
Director: cUt
Next part
Varian: I must be Dumb...
Cassandra: no your sTuPid-
Director: cUt

Mr.Croix: back of kid I'm a scientist
Varian: scientist not a alchemist so back of bi*ch
Cassandra: OOoHhhH
People in background: *laughing* and saying OOOOHHHHH
Director: nO-

*giant tornado starts forming* (I Think in part of the ePiSoDe)
Varian: oh this is bad
Cassandra:how bad?
Varian: introducing the counter of the bla bla bla bla blah yUp we're dead

Director: cUt
Varian: iM nOt tHaT sMaRT


Varian: the black rocks are demonstrating physical you...
Rapunzel: shhh varian I need you to promise-
Varian: pRoMiSE yOur gOinG to bReAk a pRoMiSE tO mE sOoN sO iM nOt pRoMiSiNg yOu aNytHiNg!

Cassandra: you spoiled iT
Director: CUT

Secret of the sun drop episode

*rapunzel making a Family reunion in front of varian while varian starting at his "dead" father*

Varian pops up in front of them: REALLY PRINCESS? YOU BI*CH-

Director: CUT

Varian: sOrrY prInCeS wE wErE iN tHis tOgeTher But if I can't have mY coOKie cAkE....
Rapunzel: sOrRy I didn't have enOuGh time tO bUy yOuR coOKIe cAkE!
Rapunzel: *takes out money*
Rapunzel: *throws money in the air and flexing*
Varian: nIcE i nEED mOrE mOnEy!

Director: CUT

Varian: I will make you proud of me dad...
Varian: if it's the last thing I ever do...
Rapunzel: dOnT be so hard on him dad...
King: we will get him all the help he will need-

Varian in the background: ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT?!
Director: cUt

I'm thinking to many bloopers in my head Lol

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