Lie detector/ Discontinued

663 16 5

I randomly thought of this
Anyways this was before lol if only I had the time to finish this but yeah my unfinished work-

Look since there's a dude named hector in there I just had to include TTS Hector in tOo XD
Video start:

*random talking*
"Ey Man why would you start from the bottom?"

Hector: It's Quirin that's why! I'm going to get another cider geez!
Edmund: another one? Are you driving?

*Random talking*

Hector:  lets play another game

Quirin: all right let me see if I can grab one. Let's see what we got

Edmund: can we play twister?

Hector: I'm not playing twister with you bro

Quirin: CHILL with the twister bro

Hector: How old are you?

Edmund: Old enough

Quirin: hmm well this there's this we do have this

Hector: What is that?

*grabs box*
Edmund: Secrets can't hide from the lie detector

Quirin: I'm down

Hector: Were not actually gonna play this game are we?

Edmund: I don't know looks fun to me

Quirin: Let's do it

Hector: No let's play poker or something there's no way I'm playing that game.

Edmund: What are you afraid of?

Hector: This is a kids lie detector game this-

Edmund: It's not a kids game look read it fun for all ages

Quirin: We're all ages dude

Hector: You think that thing actually works?

Edmund: who cares? You got a secret or something?


Quirin: Are you afraid of a little bitty old lie detector game?

Hector: No no no no nO nO no no nO!

*Arguing more*

Yes we are!
I'm not gonna play this-


Quirin: All right gentle men okay. Place the lie detector helmets on your head and the magical machine will reveal your darkest secrets.

Edmund: Ho Ho sounds fun!

Hector: Whatever just go

Edmund: Okay I'll go first Hector did you cry during the titanic?

Hector: Absolutely not



Quirin: You cRiEd during the titanic

Edmund: Look at all of his secrets poking out of his pants

Hector: This thing doesn't work it clearly doesn't work

And it's discontinued OOF-

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