Quotes 2

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Ima keep going now

Eugene: small creatures are just more vicious. Their anger has less space to be bottled up to.
Rapunzel: That's ridiculous! Give me one example of this
Eugene: Terriers
Lance: Wasps
Cassandra: Varian

Hector: what if ducks threw bread back at you?
Adira: you'd have to duck
Quirin: I hate you both

How do I stop growing up?this isn't fun anymore
~ varian

Eugene: when I get murdered, can you make sure I become an unsolved case?
Rapunzel: What?
Eugene: I want to be on Buzzfeed unsolved
Rapunzel: can we go back to the part where you said ' when I get murdered'?

You know sometimes you just gotta kill a man
~ Cassandra

Varian: could you not stand to close? Your making me claustrophobic
Lance: what does 'claustrophobic' mean?
Eugene: it means he is afraid of Santa Claus
Varian: No it doesn't!
Lance: Ho,ho,ho!
Eugene: stop it, Lance your scaring him!

Quirin: I forbid you from taking another step downstairs
Varian: ...Okay...
Varian: *jumps out a window*

My good looks are ruining people's lives
~ Eugene

Rapunzel: Anxiety? What could be giving you Anxiety?
Varian: um, lets see. Every aspect of my life?

My demons are chasing me and there doing the Naruto run
~ Varian

Rapunzel: be yourself, say something nice
Cassandra: which one? I can't do both

Surely even the most heinous criminal deserve a seventh chance
~ Rapunzel

Snickers commercial: your not you when your hungry
Lance, always hungry: who am I?

Hector: if me and Quirin were drowning who would you save?
Adira: I don't know, both of you
Hector: no. If you could only save one of us
Adira: well, I would probably save Quirin because he can't swim and I happen to know your a excellent swimmer.
Hector: suppose I was holding a anchor? Who would you save?
Adira: why don't you let go of the anchor?
Hector: it's a family heirloom
Adira: I'm leaving

Battle of Old Corona
King: Surrender, varian!
Varian: well you mean you wish to surrender to me? Very well, I accept

Edmund: looking back I have no regrets
Eugene: well you should

Varian, T posing in the doorway: Greetings, parental figure.
Quirin, Not looking up from his coffee: Good morning, problem child.

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