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Your girl is back with more yunhoe. Idk why everytime any idol has a -ho at the end i end up calling them hoe. Like minhoe or wonhoe for example.

 Like minhoe or wonhoe for example

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Anyways look at him. He babie😭ok ok umm so like again im running out of ideas for yunho. So lets write a bad boy au for him cause im sure i have never really seen one.

You were dragged into a party. Wonder why? Well your best friend, Lilac, brought you here. She was supposed to find her boyfriend Yeosang. Now you were sitting on the couch. A bunch of people were grinding on each other.

You looked away from that scene. Suddenly the couch dipped, your head turned to the person. He smirks.

"What is the goodie doing here at a party." Yunho says. You scoffed.

"It wasnt my idea to come here." You folded your arms. Yunho places his hands around your shoulder. You tried shaking it off.

"At least we should loosen up right. Since you are already here. Im sure those hours of studying made you stressed out."

"Whatever." You rolled your eyes. Yunho held out some beer. You took it and drank it. After about like 20 minutes later, you were drunk. Yunho kept an eye out for you. You have never been drunk before so....yeah you aint gonna be good.

"WOO i yUnHo tHIS iS sO fUn." You say as you drunkenly held onto him for support. Yunho smiles at your drunken state. Your friend came over with Yeosang.

"Hey yunho. Oh i see ___ got drunk." She says pointing at your figure.

"iM nOT dRuNK, iM jUst HIGH." You slur. Your eyes widened. "oMG iM fLyInG." Yunho shakes his head.

"I will bring her home. She clearly cant walk around alone at night." Lilac smiles.

"Thanks yunho. Me and yeosang want to be together so good luck taking her home." She smiles and drags yeosang into his room.

"Aish those two..." He looks at your figure. You were about to fall and he caught you.

"mom mAkE mE soME sOUp." Yunho chuckles. He places you on the couch and positions you on his back. He piggybacked you all the way home.

The reason yunho knew where your house was because you two did a project once so he came over to your house. He unlocks the door, after looking for your key in your purse.

He walked over to your room and tucked you in bed. He was ready to leave when you woke up.

"Dont leave." You say. Yunho blushes and walks over next to you.

"You know ___. Im a bad boy, i shouldnt be helping you." He says as he caresses your face. You smiled in your sleep. To say yunho liked you was an understatement, he was WHIPPED.

Anyways you woke up the next morning. Yunho fell asleep holding your hands. You rubbed your eyes and looked at yunho.

"Crap. What happened last night." Your hands were still in yunho's. You blushed. Yunho shifted in his sleep and he finally woke up. You shifted back.

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