Jung Wooyoung

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Ehem sorry but wooyoung looks good here

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Ehem sorry but wooyoung looks good here. Umm so idk what genre I wanna do with Wooyoung...but since there is this specific genre I kinda love let's do it.

You don't know why but whenever you walk past the field where the popular soccer player, Jung Wooyoung, was at he would always never fail to roll his eyes at you. Look you have never done anything wrong.

It's just weird and because of this you grew annoyed by his presence too. You didn't like how people would hate you for no reason, if they did hate you there must be a reason. One fine day, Wooyoung's teammates met up with you.

They felt sorry for wooyoung being like this so they apologised for his rudeness and said he was never like this. They explained maybe he had a crush on you because this is actually how he acts when a crush is nearby.

"Your kidding right. You really think the wooyoung would like me?" You say in disbelief.

"Look I know it sounds fake but it's true. He had this girl he had a crush on when he was younger but she hated his guts. He thought maybe if he acted cold too it would grab her attention." Seonghwa says.

Well it did definitely spark your curiousity but why act like you hate them, that's just dumb.

"Look Seonghwa and Mingi, I think your a little delusional. There is no way wooyoung has a crush on me. Isn't he dating that one cheerleader?"

"I mean yeah."

"I proved my point that cheerleader hates me cause I always top the class. Maybe she told wooyoung to hate me?"

"____ just trust us." Seonghwa says.

"Trust you? You guys are friends with Wooyoung. You really think I would believe you."

"Then how about we make a bet." Mingi says.

"Mingi I don't think thats a great id-"

"Sure Mingi."

"If wooyoung does confess to you, you owe us 50 bucks."

"I'm too broke for that shit. How about I just treat you to ice cream."

"In that case treat us to Ben and Jerry's."

"Deal." You say.

"This is going to go very wrong." Seonghwa says as he shakes his head.

The next few weeks you sent glares at Mingi any time he reminds you of the deal. He made you come to their practices and you must say...wooyoung looks very hot when he is training.

Wait what are you thinking? He hates you dumbass. Well there was one good thing being there after they finish practice...Seonghwa would offer to walk you home.

Such a gentleman! Today was the same.

"Hey come on let's go." Seonghwa says. The sweat trickles down his face, he quickly wipes it. Oh my god you are suddenly feeling the rush of heat on your cheeks.

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