ᴄʜᴏɪ ᴊᴏɴɢʜᴏ

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This is a babie

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This is a babie. Say it with me people B A B I E

With a smack to your legs you felt something soft and kinda furry. You knew who exactly it was and you weren't surprised. But how in he world did he get inside.

You turned to the boy. He was sleeping peacefully and you somehow the sight on his ears drooping and twitching made it so much cuter. It didn't help that he yawned cause you swore it was the cutest thing you have ever seen.

"Morning baby." You face scrunched. Jongho chuckles.

"I don't like that nickname."

"Fine how about bunny?"

"Are you calling me chubby?" He proceeds to pinch your cheeks.

"Maybe but the cute kind of chubby." He smiles. You leaned and pecked his cheeks then patted his soft head. He gave into the pat adding a little tiny purr although he wasn't a cat he enjoyed it.

"My puppy."

"And your boyfriend too. I'm still a man." He says.

"Alright puppy. Come on I'm going to make food." His eyes perked up and you could see this mouth slightly drool at the thought of you making breakfast.

"I want bacon!" He says. His puppy tails wagging excitedly.

"Alright come on let's go to the kitchen. You can watch me cook." He nods and follows you to the kitchen.

After 20 minutes of being in the kitchen, you were finally done making breakfast. Jongho's mouth watered even more. He loved your cooking so much.

"Can I eat now?" You smile and nod but what you weren't expecting was jongho leaning forward to peck your lips.

"I love you and thank you for breakfast." You blush.

"Love you too." Your phone rings halfway through the conversation with jongho. You decided to pick up the phone and surprise surprise, your ex boyfriend called.

"Come outside of your house."

"Why should I?"

"Cause I'm out of the door and it's freezing, now let me in. We need to talk." He says while he shivers in the cold.

Honestly you wanted to just let him freeze to death cause he is a big jerk for leaving you for your best friend but you weren't that evil so you sighed and hummed before ending the call.

"Who was that?"

"N-No one."

"Oh come on princess I'm sure that was someone." You pause.

"It was my ex. He is outside of the door." You see the pure jealously and murderous look in Jongho's eyes.

"Let him freeze to death. No one wants his existence anyways."

"Jongho." He pouts.

"Fine, I will go put on a beanie and stuff my tail into my pants." You went over to him and placed a chaste kiss on his lips.

"Don't worry babe, nothing will happen plus you can always step in as the boyfriend if he wants to do anything to me." He grumbles.

"I will stay in the kitchen, if anything happens I will sense it okay." You nod. Jongho walks over to the kitchen. You went over to the door and see your ex.

Honestly why did you date him? Jongho is way better looking than him but anyways you moved to the side to let him in.

"Thanks for letting me in."

"No problem. Sorry I took so long, the house was a bit messy." You smile.

"Look I came here because...I want you back." Your eyes widened.

"But you practically cheated on me with my friend. I can't forgive you that easily." He sighs.

"But I just miss our touches. Your kisses and cuddles. Can I please just have you back." You scoff.

"I'm sorry but im not looking to date you. Im looking for an upgrade." He takes your hand.

"But I promise I could improve. We could be more intimate if you want. I swear if I ever get you pregnant I won't leave you." You were about to push him away when.

"What do you think your doing." The both of you look at Jongho.

"Who are you?" Your ex asks.

"Her new boyfriend." You could see jongho holding an apple. Oh he was gonna scare your ex. This is gonna be fun to look at. You sit back and watch the show.

"New boyfriend?" Your ex snickers. "What do you have that I dont."

"I think power." You say.

"And how? Like strength? Hah I have been working out lately. There is no way a young man like you ca-" Jongho breaks the apple in half.

"I-I could do that! Pass me an apple." Jongho throws an apple. Your ex easily catches it.

"See I'm going to catch your heart again from this guy just like how I catched the apple." You basically laugh out loud.

"Watch me alright." He attempts to break it. It doesnt. He chuckles and passes it off as a practice round. He tries again and it doesn't break. Jongho cracks another apple and passes the other half to you and you eat it with a smile.

"I suggest you get out and not mess with me and him. Or would you rather be thrown out by him?" Your ex places the apple down and runs like lightning.

"Weakling." Jongho snickers.

"Thanks jongho." He sits next to you and pecks your forehead.

"Your welcome. I saved my princesses' life. Don't you think I should deserve an award." He puckers his lips out.

You lean in just before both of your lips barely touched and then curved to kiss his cheeks

"I have been a good boy today!" Jongho whines.

"Sure but do good boys help their mommies?" Jongho's eyes widened.

"What do you mean. I'm the top here, why do you suddenly want to be the Dom of this relationship."

"Kidding chill. I was joking." He pins you down.

"Do you want me to prove I'm the top or what?"

"I-I never said that jongho." He smirks and leans down.

"You are gonna regret what you said baby." He leans down even more and just as your were barely touching, jongho pulls the same trick on you and you were left dumbfounded.

You chased jongho around the house. In the end the both of you gave pecks to each other and a cuddle afterwards just before falling asleep in each others arms.

 In the end the both of you gave pecks to each other and a cuddle afterwards just before falling asleep in each others arms

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Oh nuu baby is shy. Okay I know this imagine isn't as long as the others but your girl has been trying her best with balancing studying an writing imagines. So now I'm gonna sign off and study. See ya✌️

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