Park Seonghwa

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When I tell you I love this goddamn man right here, I truly do

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When I tell you I love this goddamn man right here, I truly do. I just wanna give him a big smooch. Anyways im about to start a bad boy/tutor series cause I'm bored. Maybe I will alternate them.

Well look where being this good at art got you. You were going to teach one of the most famous family, people say that they have killer looks. One glance and your dead. Who are they? The park brothers.

Park Jimin, Park Seonghwa and Park Jisung. Though...park jisung is actually pretty nice since he was your best friend but what he described of his older brothers, they sounded like huge monsters.

You were the same age as Jisung so there was a huge gap between you and his older brothers. Why are you comparing? Cause Jisung had to mention that you were awesome at art to his older brothers. You didn't want them to you know catch a case.

That's cause your like 18 and they are like 25(Jimin) and 22(Seonghwa). Jisung well of course he was kinda regretting mentioning it seeing how you were too innocent for Seonghwa and Jimin.

He begged for Seonghwa to say no to their parents when they found out. Seonghwa didn't listen and so now you were going to teach him art.

It was weird, Seonghwa didn't seem like he liked art but he just explained he wanted to do this as a hobby. Now you were outside of their large mansion, pressing on the doorbell.

"They aren't cue to-" The maid open up the door.

"You must be _____. Hello I'm Mary, the Park's maid." You bowed.

"Hello. I'm here for Seonghwa."

"Ah right. He is currently in his room. Let me call him down for you." You nod. She moved aside for you to walk into the mansion.

The foyer was extremely big. Honestly having a mansion is just too much, there are so much space to be filled up. The maid comes down but no Seonghwa in sight.

"He asked me to bring you to his room."


"Follow me Ms.____" The maid walks over to Seonghwa room, you followed her quickly.

As you were walking by, you hear girls in one of rooms. Probably Jimin's room, Jisung would never be a player. The maid knocks on the door.

"Here you go you should be able to go inside." She bows and you bowed to her too.

"God ____ why are you so nervous. It's not like seonghwa's going to eat you up." You knock again to make sure it was safe before coming in.

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