Choi Jongho

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Back with the last hybrid series :( sad

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Back with the last hybrid series :( sad. But here have a photo I found of jongho. Baby bunny :') he looks so soft here. As you probably can guess, I'm making a bunny hybrid jongho(don't fight me on it but he fits the bunny)

Alright, you have heard of cat hybrids. They are sweet with the occasion of being viscous but have you ever heard of a bunny hybrid.

You might be laughing but it's real. In fact your friend, Jongho, was one. He has a couple of other friends that are the same hybrid as him. Who are they? Well there is his hyung, Jungkook and Doyoung , then of course there is Soobin.

They were like a mini community of cute bunnies, well for Soobin. Not Jongho, Jungkook or Doyoung. They are aggressive. One time, you forgot to bring Jongho his favourite meal with carrots...oh it didn't end well.

"____~Buy me carrots." Jongho whines. You were currently seating on the couch along with Jongho. He laid on your lap as the both of you were watching some comedy shows.

"____~pwease." There he goes again, acting cute to get what he wants. He is taking advantage of you again. He found out your little crush on him a few weeks back.

Nothing happened after he found out, he just acknowledges it but he doesn't act anymore than just a friend. You presumed he was friendzoning you and that was your cue to back off from him.

"Get it yourself." You say as you watched the TV contently.

"But i want a snack~" you sighed before looking at jongho straight in the eye.

"Why am I even doing stuff for you when I know you rejected me." You stood up and left, frustration and confusion are the feelings you felt as you left to the store.

Luckily you actually brought your wallet and of course money, or else you would look kinda dumb for storming off and coming back to get your valuables. However, you did forget to bring your phone.

"Your only doing whatever he says because you like him ____. Stop it." You had mumbled. You accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh sorry!"

"____?" A familiar voice is what you heard.

"Mingi?" You looked up. The soft eyes of a panther stares back into yours.

"Great seeing you hear!" Mingi says enthusiastically. His energy never changes.

"Jeez so energetic." You joked. Mingi chuckles.

"Well I'm a panther, I hunt out a lot so I need energy! Where are you going?"

"Jongho just wanted some carrots,. You know him."

"I see, well I have to go. My parents want me to catch some cows tonight. We are having steak for tonight's dinner!"

"Damn okay. Give me some next time."

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