ᴋᴀɴɢ ʏᴇᴏsᴀɴɢ(part 2)

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Yeosang throwing a peace sign just for part 2(oh great now it's playing icy, also my friend misheard me say 'i see that I'm isis', yeah idk why I said 'i see that I'm icy')

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Yeosang throwing a peace sign just for part 2(oh great now it's playing icy, also my friend misheard me say 'i see that I'm isis', yeah idk why I said 'i see that I'm icy')

Where we left off.
'This was just the beginning'

"Oh my god the view!" You scream. Yeosang chuckles at your child like actions. You turn to him and pout.

"Hey you know how much I love the scenic views, don't laugh at me." He walks over to you and pecks your lips.

"I know. You are just so cute." You smiled and went to tiptoe to kiss him. You two were almost making out if the boss didn't call you again.

"Aww young love." You two pull away.

"What do you want now." You say clearly annoyed that you were interrupted.

"Call the others. We need to discuss about the plan." You nod, yeosang went to the others.

"So hows it going with you and Yeosang." The boss asks.

"That's random sir. First off, you dont need to check up on my relationship."

"Well it seemed like you were about to almost take him to bed if I didn't call." Your cheeks reddened.

"N-No." Yeosang walks in with the others.

"I brought the others." He turns to you. "Why is your face red." You groan.

"Nevermind. I will explain later." You tell yeosang.

"Ok since you all have gathered here. I will say since the enemy knows you and Yeosang are together, I want the couple to walk to the bar and just chill there."

"The bartender there is part of the enemy gang so just play it cool and ask for drinks but don't get drunk. They should request for backup to capture the couple. The rest will be scattered in the bar, communicating through the in-ear and watching the couple. They don't know how the other 7 of you look like so just act like a civilian." Jongho raises his hand.

"Yes jongho?"

"What if they kiss can we look away?" You and Yeosang scoff.

"Well if it's a almost makeout then look away." The both you and yeosang blush.

"Anymore questions?" Everyone shakes their head. "In the closet there should be some outfits for you guys to choose from. It's not a formal bar so you can wear anything I picked out for you guys. The in-ear is in the drawers, make sure you all bring your weapons."



"Your taser pen and laser that looks like lipstick. Dont forget to bring, in case they somehow get to you."

"I always bring it in case creeps try to touch me sir."

"Good. Last thing, good luck guys. I hope for the best and don't get in trouble." All 9 of you nod. The holographic call ends.

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