Kang Yeosang

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Baby yeosang be striking that 'v' pose

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Baby yeosang be striking that 'v' pose. I'm soft ( ꈍᴗꈍ). Anyways soulmates? With idol yeosang? Yeah I'm just going to write that.

"Could I get a cup of coffee?" You were a barista at a cafe. It was a simple job and also one of your favourite hobbies. Brewing coffee was quite fun actually. Plus you actually loved coffee(a/n:not a big fan tho)

You handed over the coffee to the man. The bell at the door rings. Three guys walk in wearing masks.

"Seonghwa, Mingi hi haven't seen you two in a while."

"Yeah we are getting ready for debut soon so it's kind of a rush."

"Alright what can I can for you three?"

"Ah this is yeosang. He is a little shy when it comes to meeting people."

"Pleasure to meet you yeosang. I'm ___ anyways guys what are your orders. You are holding up the line." You pout. Mingi and Seonghwa chuckle.

"The usual, oh and Yeosang wants iced coffee."

"Coming right up. Oh and the total is $15." Seonghwa hands the money. You quickly cashed it in and handed the receipt to them. You took in the other customers order before doing all 5 of the orders(cause there were 2 more customers behind them *ehem*)

[Yeosang's POV]

"Hyung who is she."

"She just told you her name."

"No I meant like how do you know her."

"Well she has been working here ever since I joined the company. She pretty much has worked here since she was 17. ____ is the same age as jongho." Yeosang nods.

She's so pretty and I smelled marshmallows emitting from her. Could she be my soulmate?


[Your POV]

Seonghwa walked over to the counter.

"Here are your orders. Good luck on your debut you three. Oh and send my regards to San, Wooyoung, Hongjoong, Yunho and Jongho." They nod. Then all three of them leave.

Time passed quickly. Soon enough it is 8pm, you were the last person on shift but hey the manager pays you more the others since you love your job. You cleaned up the place quickly and then locked up the shop.

"____?" You turned around to the sound of your name being called.

"Oh you are yeosang right. Hi what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to get some coffee."

"Oh I'm sorry I just closed the shop. Maybe you could come back tmr?"

"Sure. It's quite late..can I walk you home?"

"Oh you are such a gentleman." He was thankful he was wearing a mask. The both of you walk to your apartment.

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