Song Mingi

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My emo looking ass boyfriend

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My emo looking ass boyfriend. I swear if he pouts I'm gonna fly to Korea and kiss those pretty ass lips but then again I ain't those sasaengs who want to keep them trap in a dungeon..hey why does that sound like YG.

You heard the front door slam, it was probably your roommate. He said he had a date with a girl he likes. You felt the couch dip beside you and of course Mingi had to place his head on your empty lap.

"Mingi what are you doing?"

"I need to think for a while. Just continue reading your book." You pout.

"Okay but you better not try to pull this book from me. I need to read it for my assignment."

"Eww assignments." You giggle. Then silence Mingi just laid on your lap as you continued finishing up on your book. After 10 minutes, you can't help but get distracted so you placed down your book.

"I thought you wanted to complete your assignment?"

"It's fine. There are still 4 more days till the due date of the assignment."

"And when did this lame ass teacher give the homework."


"And how many chapters have you read amongst the ones you haven't read."

"I've read 6 chapters and there is 6 more chapters to go." Mingi sigh. He sits up.

"Don't you ever want to go out and you know work on your social life?"

"Nope, I already have you. Its more than enough, I'm just too much of an introvert to leave the house for parties."

"Well too bad, I'm going to drag you to a party tonight." Your eyes widened.

"Mingi I don't like parties."

"Sorry but you need to find more friends. Don't just always rely on me, what if I get a girlfriend and forget about you."

"You wouldn't Mingi. Plus your my roommate, we have seen each other for 3 years now. Next year is our senior year and when we graduate."

"Well I got myself a girlfriend...I don't want you to feel like your third wheeling everytime she comes over."

"Oh? The date went well?" He nods.

"We decided to start our relationship today. Turns out she likes me too."

"Aww im happy for you Mingi."

"If your happy for me, follow me to the party later." You think for a second.

"Fine. I will do it a congratulations to getting a girlfriend." Mingi pouts. His soft pink lips protruding for you to see. You had to look away, as much as you want to feel happy for Mingi, you still had feelings for him.

"Great, oh dress up nice. The party is at 10 so you have 2 hours to get ready. Who knows there might guys interested in you." He winks before running off to his room.

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