Kim Hongjoong ft Seonghwa :)

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Day 8 of ateasemas :)

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Day 8 of ateasemas :)

It just turned winter and lucky for you, it started snowing. It would be white Christmas for you guys yay! But wait who is the other person?

Well it would be none other than your sweet smol boyfriend! What do I mean by smol? It is because Hongjoong was the smallest in ATEEZ. I know it's mean considering you are smaller than him but he doesn't mind, except for when his members call him that than he is so going to rage.

"Babe, could you please get some groceries." You say to Hongjoong as you passed him a list of stuff. He nods before having to bring Yunho with him, he would ask Mingi but he would have to wake up the sleeping boy.

"____ are you sure. You aren't able to visit your parents this holidays?" San asks.

"Why? You don't want me here? I can make you guys good food."

"No it's not that...I really can't say it."

"Well too bad then." You say. Mingi finally woke up, he was holding a pillow in his hand. Did he forget or?

"Noona~" Mingi calls out for you. You turned to the tall boy. He hugs you.

"Woah what is this? The deep tone rapper is soft right now?" He whines.

"I just want to cuddle someone, Hongjoong has you to cuddle and it makes me want a girlfriend." He pouts. You stood back from the hug.

"Aww you literally a giant baby, come here." You pecked his cheek.

"So your cheating on hyung now." Wooyoung says as he suddenly makes his appearance.

"Why are you jealous, I kissed mingi's cheek?"

"No no....well maybe." He taps his cheek. "I want one too." You giggle and walk over to wooyoung to peck his cheek. Seonghwa goes over to swoop you up in his arms.

"My job is to protect the boys from falling for you, plus it was hongjoong's orders." You laughed.

"Well I will listen to him but it's not my choice that the boys fall for me." He sets you down on the couch.

"Well in that case I will make sure the boys don't fall for you cause I will be the one falling for you."

"Okay you are cheesy Seonghwa." You giggled. Seonghwa pecks your lips. So confused? Well Hongjoong and you were already dating but when he introduced you to his members, you can't help but fall for the prince charming, Park Seonghwa.

It was like he had a spell to cast on you so when you finally noticed you fell for seonghwa, you went to discuss with Hongjoong. He obviously was shocked by this and you bringing up about a poly relationship was really new to him. He felt jealous, what if you completely left him for Seonghwa.

He opposed to the idea. A few weeks later, he felt weird. Seeing you touching Seonghwa and flirting with him made him feel fine. Somehow it didn't bother him, maybe the whole husband and wife thing between him and Seonghwa actually made it fine for him.

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