Kang Yeosang

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Back from my break :)

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Back from my break :)

'Smile more' is what they always told you. You were kinda heartless when it came to giving critics. Yes it was really really bad to the point that your boss fired you for insulting your fellow colleagues. Hey but they were rude and also having an affair with another office staff, you had to interfere.

You were only like this because of your boyfriend...well now ex. He broke up with you because his company wanted him to focus on his career more than being in a committed relationship. Yeosang too had a sharp tongue, he could easily hurt you through words.

Which is why when it came to the break up...yeah he tore you apart with harsh words. He didn't mean to but you know how sharp his tongue is. That whole sharp tongue thing somehow became your habit and now you kinda just hurt people as time goes even if you didn't mean to.

You hurt your friend so she unfriended you. Your parents don't even want to speak to you until you knew your manners. Your siblings...well they don't really wanna see you after you called them out for being such horrible boyfriends and girlfriends.

Currently you were just about to enter your apartment, after the whole break up, you had bought an apartment for yourself to shut everyone out. No one has gone to your house before.

When you opened your apartment door, your phone starts ringing. You groaned and searched your bag for the annoying phone.

"What do you want." You instantly say after grabbing the phone and answering it. You didn't even look at the Caller ID.

"_____." Your breath hitched. It was Yeosang...

"Yes what's your business in calling me after we broke up a month ago?"

"Can I come over?"

"Why would you want to come over. You said you never loved me!"

"_____ look the company made me say those things. I really didn't mean to."

"Yeah yeah I get it. The company hates me, just go back to your whatever idol life. I don't wanna be involved with you anymore." You quickly ended the call. You threw your phone to the couch.

"I hate everything. I hate my life. Why did it come to this." You sat on the couch and started crying. Your phone lit up again and this time it was a text.

I'm sorry I said all those words when we broke up. I really love you, I don't wanna loose you anymore. I talked to the company a week back and they said I could date you but we have to keep it a secret from the public. Please _____ I can't bare to see you cry anymore because of me.

As you stared on your phone screen reading the message. Your tears start flowing even more. You went to facetime yeosang. He picks up the call, he was ready to say something but then he sees you crying.

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