Park Seonghwa

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Oo we got another request

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Oo we got another request. Well the person just wanted a general boyfriend story and since Christmas is coming up, we going through that boyfriend! Seonghwa Christmas phase. Also it's Day 1 of Christmas with ATEEZ.

Now when you woke up, you usually felt the warmth of your boyfriend holding onto your waist but this wasn't the case for this morning. The air was filled with coldness, you were groaning. Your eyes landed on the open window.

"Urghh Seonghwa..." You mumbled before standing up to close the window and turning on the heater. Your legs brought you to the kitchen.

His friends and members were busy watching television. Hongjoong being on his laptop as usual, who knows making some Christmas songs for ATINYs
[a/n: istg if I predict this, I'm gonna cry]

You instinctively turned your head to the kitchen. Seonghwa was there, you pout and went to hug Seonghwa from behind. He wasn't fazed but that didn't stop the smile on his face from growing.

"Morning baby." Deep morning voice Seonghwa, my fav. You hugged him tighter.

"You left me freezing in the room. Is that why Hongjoong went out to the living room?"

"I forgot to close the window didn't I?" You nod as you squished your cheeks on his back.

"It was so cold and you weren't there to cuddle me~" He spun around. You were shorter than him
[A/n: if your taller than Seonghwa, I don't mean to offend you, I'm sorry]

"Then what should I do to make it up for not being there to cuddle you princess?" You had pout out your lips for Seonghwa. Seonghwa leans in to peck your lips once.

"Get a room you two." San says as he stood near the counters. You pout at San.

"Can't I even kiss my own boyfriend? You guys try to get a kiss out of him everytime, are you perhaps jealous?"

"Nope not one bit."

"Okay so are you jealous because I get to kiss ___?" Seonghwa says.

"Hey woah hyung, I don't like your girlfriend like that. She is our friends, it's just that she gives attention to you more than us."

"That's the purpose of boyfriends?" Seonghwa says.

"Alright you two stop arguing. I need to bathe, today we go out for Christmas shopping!"

"Ooo I have been wanting get a mistletoe in our dorms!" San says.

"Why so you could give Wooyoung your kisses?"

"Nah I just want jongho to kiss me on the cheek. He hates it but he will be forced to do it if there is a mistletoe!"

"Your damn smart San or that it could go horribly wrong but whatever." You say. San winks before he leaves the kitchen. You had turn to Seonghwa.

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