Song Mingi

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Missing Mingi hours :( I wonder how he is doing? I wanna ask Mingi if he is fine

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Missing Mingi hours :( I wonder how he is doing? I wanna ask Mingi if he is fine. Is he thinking about us? I hope he isn't blaming himself for his injuries that he can't perform in front of atinys :(

"Yes I actually flipped it!" You jump in happiness. You hear the sound of soft slippers shuffling into the kitchen then felt arms wrapped around you.

"Hi babe." Mingi pecked your cheek.

"Get back to bed Mingi, your leg still hurts."

"But I want to see my beautiful girlfriend."

"I wonder what will Hongjoong and Seonghwa say when I tell them that you are out of bed and not resting?" Mingi pouts.

"Fine, I will go back to bed." You hear Mingi going back to his room. You smiled.

"Maybe I should put mint choco on his pancake, even though I really don't understand how he can eat that. It's literally toothpaste and chocolate." You grabbed the tub of mint chocolate ice cream in the fridge then placed it beside the pancake.

"Get better prince." You say before bringing the food to mingi. You knocked on the door before going in. Mingi was playing with his phone.

"Stop talking to your side hoes and have food."

"What side hoes. I was just talking to the members."

"They are your side hoes."

"But your my main hoe." He says.

"Nuh uh it's yunho. You love him more than me. Im just another side hoe." Mingi takes the plate from you but he drags you along with it. You fell in his arms.

"No your my main hoe and my chef."

"You just love me cause I provide food for you." He smiles and nods. You got off Mingi and sat on his bed

"I hate you. Hmph!" You turned away from him.


"Oh what is that sound. I hear a ghost talking, I must be insane." Mingi turns you around.


"Hmm? There is a force that just turned me around wow im definitely crazy."

"I guess you would be insane enough to feel a pair of ghost lips on yours?"

"What I can't hear th-" Mingi kisses your lips.

"Hey Mingi we are back-Oh sorry noona, I will leave the room now." Jongho rushes out of the room. You pulled back.

"So dare to say a ghost just kissed you?"

"May-" Mingi pecked your lips. "Okay nevermind." Mingi chuckles.

"Now cuddles!"

"Mingi your ice cream is going to melt, eat it before I throw it away."

"You could try the mint choco?"

"Oh hell no, I'm not trying Song Mingi. Don't even try to kiss me after eating that ice cream."

"But it refreshes my mouth. My mouth will smell nice after."

"You disgust me."

"But we have done more disgusting things baby." He smirks.

"Don't make me start a war."

"Okay okay, I will eat my breakfast."

"I'm going to go see the others, just shout when you finish the food so I can clean the plate." Mingi nods. You walked out to the living room.

"Aren't you guys going to practice?"

"Soon, hyung said he needed to run to the recording place cause he is creating new songs with Eden." San says as he fumbled with the controller. You heard wooyoung groan. He must have lost.

"How did you pass me? I thought I was winning?" Wooyoung whines.

"Can I play?" You ask. The woosan duo made space for you. You sat in between them. San passes you the controller.

"I pick princess peach." You say.

"Hey I wanted to pick her. She is my waifu."

"Too bad. Now let's start!" The game started. Wooyoung was in first place again but somehow you passed him. San laughs out loud.

"Wooyoung you just got beaten by a girl!" San says. Wooyoung pouts. As you placed your controller down, wooyoung tackles you.

"I'm not letting you go so easily!" Wooyoung says as he starts tickling you.

"Jung Wooyoung, stop right now or I will hahah kick you!" You attempt to say as you fell into a laughing state. Mingi slowly walks in, he sees wooyoung on top of you. He just sighs.

"Wooyoung get off my girlfriend."

"But she deserves this. She somehow beat me when I was first place!"

"Just get off her before I get even more jealous." Wooyoung got off you. You see Mingi has to actually tell his friends when he is jealous for them to spend time with you. He can't express jealousy and if he doesn't say it, you wouldn't know too cause he just sighs and allows you to do it.

"Sorry Mingi." Wooyoung says.

"It's fine. Baby, come here." You walked over to him. He towered you.

"Hmm? Oh right the plate, where is it?"

"I put it in the kitchen. You were busy getting tickled by wooyoung to hear me call you." Mingi folded his arms.

"Aww my jealous giant baby." You pinched his cheeks then pecked his lips.

"You know I need more than kisses to cheer me up after you spend time with the boys."

"Aww okay okay. Come here." You hugged him. "My big baby, you know I only treasure you. No guy, including wooyoung will steal my heart other than you."

"I feel offended somehow?" Wooyoung says. You giggled. You pulled from the hug but still had your hand around mingi's waist. Mingi leans in to kiss you but then San decides to say.

"Get a room lovers."

"Can't I show my love to my girlfriend without getting interrupted?"

"No we are still single here!"

"Why don't you two date?" You say.

"Sorry honey but I may be clingy to Wooyoung but I practically hate him." Wooyoung tackles San.

"What did you say?" You and Mingi stared at the both of them before shaking your heads and going back to the room to cuddle.

I have no idea if I have used this gif but I'm screaming cause of how cute he is like can he please just stop making my heart soft

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I have no idea if I have used this gif but I'm screaming cause of how cute he is like can he please just stop making my heart soft. Well I dont really have much to say other than I'm still working on the 9th member Ateez book cause I wanna make a few chapters and like actually catch up on their schedules.

I have only completed so far the debut album part. Smh. I'm doing the expedition tour part now. Welp, okay I'm signing off now love you all <3

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