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"Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Twins. Orphaned at ten when a shell collapsed their apartment building."

"It isn't the age of spies anymore. Not even the age of heroes. This is the age of miracles. And there is nothing more horrifying, than a miracle"

"He's fast and she's weird"

"Every effort, to save us, every shift in the bricks I think, this will set it off. We wait for two days for Tony Stark, to kill us"

"I wondered why only you two survived Strucker's experiments. Now I don't"

"You two can still walk away from this"

"Everybody's afraid of something"

"It's time for some mind games"

"It doesn't matter what you did, what you were."

"You know, I'm twelve minutes older than you"


Wanda and Pietro Maximoff had been wishing for a normal life for sixteen years. Every night they would stand outside and look for shooting stars. They could never find any, the sky was always cloudy at night and even most days. It was rarely sunny in Sokovia.

They offered themselves up for experimentation when they were younger, wanting to help fight the war that tore their parents away from them. They had immediately regretted it after the first week of testing, but they no longer had the choice. The torture of the tests every day made them think several times they were going to die, not even getting the chance to fight, and going through all that pain for nothing. So when they survived, they wanted to get away as soon as they could. The war had already ended, so they didn't really have a reason to stay. They stayed for a few more months after they were given their powers to be trained, but as soon as they could control their powers they escaped.

They were on the streets for five years. Pietro ran around stealing things, like food and clothes every night. They had found an abandoned building and used it as a house. They set up pillows and blankets in a makeshift bed and a few candles for during the night. After the fourth year though, they decided they needed to do something with their lives. So they spent the next few weeks looking for jobs and cheap apartments. But no one wanted to employ two homeless kids with no experience whatsoever.

Wanda had been pleading with a man for a job when a woman stopped and listened. When the man stormed away, she went to catch up with Wanda, who was already walking away. She offered her a job at her new cafe. Maya Larionovna had just opened a cafe and was having trouble finding help. The twins gladly accepted and after a year, they finally had enough to pay for an apartment.

They had been living on Nervat Avenue for almost two years when Wanda came home with a worried expression.

"Pietro! Come here" She set her bag on the counter as Pietro came out looking disheveled. Wanda laughed at his appearance. "What were you doing?"

"Sleeping. Wanda, it's almost eleven" She looked up at the clock above the calendar.

"Right, sorry"

"Have you eaten yet?" He asked.

"Not important. We have a problem." She was pacing around the living room. Pietro sighed and pulled a slice of pizza from the fridge, putting it in the microwave.

"Okay, a problem. Got it. But would you sit down?" She shook her head.

"No, no. You don't understand."

"How could I when you haven't said anything yet?"

"Right, sorry." He went and stood in front of her.

"Sit down" She sighed and sat at the kitchen table as he put the pizza in front of her. "Okay, we have a problem?" He sat across from her.

"Okay," She took a deep breath. "Maya signed us up for school," She said quickly

"I'm sorry...what?" He breathed.

"Well, yesterday there was a group of girls that came in for coffee right?"


"They asked me if I was excited for school, and I said I didn't go to school. Then they were like, 'don't you want to go to school?' and I said I wasn't sure. Then, I was helping Maya close last night and she was talking to me about school. But I wasn't listening, I was thinking about...I don't even remember" Pietro rolled his eyes. "But she says that I said it would be nice to graduate." She took a breath. "And then this morning she said she had signed us both up for senior year at that English high school by the cafe" 

"Okay...so now we're going to high school, I suppose."

"No, Pietro, we can't go to school. I dropped three plates and a mug today just thinking about it"

"HYDRA taught us English, what's the problem?" She shook her head and stood up again, pacing around the living room.

"We were doing just fine. Hiding. We have a job and a life. And I can't be around people."

"Wanda," He stood up and stopped her again. "I'll be with you. I mean, this whole thing is incredibly stupid, but it was nice of Maya to do that." She sat on the couch. "Besides, you were always jealous of the kids walking past us with backpacks"

"That was when we were younger. As I recall, you wished you had a friend back then too."

"I don't need friends, I have a friend"

"A friend you're stuck with" He sighed and sat beside her.

"It'll only be worse if you worry. You love pens and notebooks and whatever other stationary crap you always buy" She chuckled. "Think of this as a valid reason to buy more."

"I have very valid reasons to buy them"

"You have valid reasons for buying every new shipment of pens? They know you by name there"

"Yes. You know I use them all"

"But I will never understand why. Do you know how many pens I use in a day? One."

"But then all your writing is in one color. That's boring" He rolled his eyes

"Sure" She giggled. "We'll be just fine. And then, we will have graduated."

"I suppose. No matter how pointless it is" He laughed.

"Wanda, you're tired. I'll work tomorrow and you can go and buy whatever it is you think we need."

"Aren't I supposed to be working tomorrow?"

"You worked all day today"

"Only because you weren't feeling well."

"Okay, so?"

"Then you'll be working two days in a row" She frowned.

"I'll work tomorrow, and then we'll both work on Saturday and give Maya a day off, okay?" She sighed,


"Good, now go to sleep" She chuckled as she made her way to her bedroom.


Hey guys! This might be...alright? Maybe? I don't know. You gotta tell me if it sucks, ok?

Let me know what you think!

Talk later,


A Stab at Normal (Maximoff Twins)Where stories live. Discover now