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Wanda was reluctant to leave the next morning. Pietro was going to work, and Ethan was going to take her to school. She had laid awake for hours the night before, trying to think of ways to get Pietro out of trouble. But nothing would work, he would always do anything to protect his sister.

"Would you please eat?" Pietro pleaded from his seat at the table. Wanda had been sitting on the floor all morning, blocks levitating around her.


"Wanda, you'll be fine. Ethan will stay with you. And all I'm doing is working. That's all."

"But you are going to hurt that man, I know you are."

"I promise I won't hurt him. Physically." She sighed, letting her blocks drop and opening her eyes.

"Would you please just stay out of trouble? It's been a week and a half, and you've already hurt a girl, and gotten into a fight. Resulting in you being suspended." He rolled his eyes.

"Yes, Wanda. I was suspended. But I don't care. I really don't. All I care about is you. And you are fine. Ethan will look after you for three days, and then it'll all be fine." Wanda stood up and went over to him, sitting up on the table.

"I don't think you understand. Suspension goes on your record. And colleges look at those."

"You are the only person who cares about college." He rested his forehead on her knees. "The only one who wants a real future. I'm perfectly fine working at the cafe for the rest of my life." She sighed, running her fingers through his hair.

"No, you're not. You just want a future for me first." He sat up.

"I'll think about it when you get yours."

"Ready?" They turned to see Ethan at the door. They hadn't even noticed him come in.

"Yeah," They both stood up and Pietro kissed her head.

"You'll be fine."


Wanda stood outside the History classroom with Ethan, giggling. "A Slytherin hanging out with a Hufflepuff? How scandalous," 

"Scandalous indeed," He was grinning. Making Wanda laugh felt like the biggest accomplishment for him, especially since Pietro wasn't here. He had been trying to distract her all day, and it seemed to be working.

"Oh Hello," Mr. Dunn greeted as he unlocked the door for them. "You're even earlier than me,"

"You know how she is, sir," Ethan said, nodding at Wanda.

"Well, I'm glad you're here. Today we'll be starting a group project and I wanted to talk to you about it,"

"Of course," Wanda smiled.

"Well, you have the highest grade in the class, and to me it makes sense to pair you with the student who has the lowest grade. You know, give them a chance at getting it a bit higher. What do you think?"

"Of course, sir, I'd be happy to help." Wanda said eagerly. Big projects were her favorite.

"Excellent, I'll inform Miss Lane," Wanda's eyes widened, but she held her tongue and went to sit at her table with Ethan. 

"You alright?" He asked worriedly.

"Of course, I can play nice" She said, nodding. "I'm an excellent liar,"

"That you are," He sighed and looked around, searching for another distraction. "So, which of the Harry Potter books is your favorite?" Her eyes lit up.

"Prisoner of Azkaban," She stated proudly. "The aura of it is just so captivating. Like when I imagine the imagery it's just beautiful. What I wouldn't give to see the film. I wonder how they did it. Would it be as beautiful as I imagine it?" She rambled, emerald eyes sparkling. "You know how you see something and you just kinda lose your train of thought? It's just  that beautiful? That's how I imagine it." She smiled at him. "You know?"

"Oh, I know," He breathed.


"I'm sorry, what?" They were all sitting in the café as Pietro finished wiping the last table before his shift ended. "You got paired with her?!"

"Pietro it isn't that bad-"

"Wanda," He said lowly, leaning over her. "It is that bad. This girl has been making your life miserable and now you have to do a project with her, and you didn't even object. Do you like being called those names?"

"Hey now," Ethan stepped in between them. "This isn't her fault,"

"Wanda-" He stopped when he saw her face. She was looking at him, eyes pleading. He took a breath to calm himself. "Of course, it isn't your fault. I'm just angry at the situation." Wanda nodded. "Let's go home."

When dinner rolled around, Pietro had completely forgotten about the project. He was content, doing the math problems Wanda brought home for him when there was a knock at the door. 

"It's Ethan," Wanda said, going to open it.

"Hey," Ethan grinned. "I got a surprise for you."

"Oh?" Wanda giggled, making Pietro look up from his homework. His sister was giggling.  At something a boy said. He frowned. 

"You're gonna love it, are you ready?" Ethan's eyes sparkled as he went over to the couch. "Ta da!"

He brought out from behind his back a stack of DVD's. Wanda's heart stopped. 

"You have the Harry Potter movies?!?!" She squealed. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I wanted to surprise you," He breathed. Seeing her so excited made it hard for him to breathe.

"How did you get them?" She asked, taking the first movie from his stack and popping it into the DVD player. 

"I got a friend from America who mailed them to me a few years ago," Wanda plopped down beside him on the couch, reaching for the remote that was sitting on the arm. 

"Tell me about Prisoner of Azkaban," She ordered. 

"Oh no, that's the best part," He chuckled. "You get to see it for yourself,"

And just like that, Pietro was sure he had never seen his sister happier.


Hey guys! This one sucks, but oh well!

Let me know what you think!

Talk later,


A Stab at Normal (Maximoff Twins)Where stories live. Discover now