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When Pietro got up the next morning, Wanda was sitting at the table with the homework from yesterday. He smiled.

"Feeling better?" He poured himself some tea.

"Mhmm." He sat across from her, tilting his head to look at her papers. She had six pages of her cursive writing.

"What is all this?"

"This two are Math, this one is Science, this one is for English, and these two are for Social." She told him. She stopped and looked up at him. "You didn't do any of this, did you?"

"I did try." He stood up to make some eggs. "But got lost, and my teacher was dead to the world." Wanda rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Hurry and get your notebook then, school starts in an hour."

Wanda showed Pietro all of the formulas for Science, then the formulas for math, and then the sentence structure errors of their English work. 


"Better." She rolled her eyes and went to get dressed. Pietro was already finished when she came out, making her roll her eyes again. "Come on."


"Today will be better." Pietro put his arm around Wanda as they walked into their Science class. Ethan and Emily's faces both lit up when they saw them.

"Morning! How are you feeling?" Emily asked as they sat down.

"Definitely better."

"Good to hear," Ethan said.

"Ah, Wanda" She quickly turned to face the teacher, hearing her name. "You seem quite alright."

"Um, yes," Wanda said, confused.

"Is there a reason as to why you were fine one day, ill the next, and fine the next?"

"Well, I don't know what to tell you. If you're implying that I purposely missed yesterday, I'm afraid you're wrong. I tried very hard to come to school yesterday, but unfortunately, I was in too much pain." She tried to keep the annoyance out of her voice, but to Pietro, she failed.

"It just seems odd, that since we had a test yesterday-"

"I heard it was a pop quiz. How would I have known? If you would like, I can take it right now" The teacher looked taken aback for a moment.

"Well, I suppose you could. But, you did miss some of the material-"

"I'm sure I'll do fine." She stated. Pietro raised an eyebrow. Never had his sister ever been visibly angry at anyone but him, let alone her superior. The teacher clenched his teeth and handed her the exam.

"You may take it at the back table. You have ten minutes." He turned back to the board as Wanda sat at the back table, taking out a pen and reading over the test.

"-and so, the chromosomes would-"

"Would you like this on your desk?" Wanda was standing in the corner by his desk, holding the test. The teacher glared at her.

"I'll just take it if you don't mind." Wanda handed the paper to him, turned and walked back to her spot by Ethan. Pietro's eyes widened when he saw her eyes flash red as she sat down.


"I'm fine"

"Your eyes"

"I'm sorry. I've got it under control"


"May I see your pen, Miss Maximoff?" She cocked her head to the side.

"Of course. May I ask why?"

"Well, you weren't here for a whole lesson, and you've scored a hundred percent." He said slowly.

"Did you want me to fail?" She asked, handing over her pen.

"I just find it strange, that's all."

"I'm a very strange girl, sir." Pietro, Emily, and Ethan all shared an alarmed look. The teacher gave her back her pen.

"Indeed you are."


"Are you okay?" Pietro asked when the bell rang.

"I can't believe he thinks I cheated! Or that I purposely stayed home yesterday!" She slammed her locker shut.

"I know" He was about to go on when Wanda's head snapped to the side. Pietro followed her gaze to see Janice standing a few lockers down, whispering to one of her friends and glancing at them every so often. "Wanda, ignore her." He whispered.

"Did I do something to upset her?" She turned back to face him.

"No, she's just one of those people. I bet she's just jealous you're hanging out with Ethan. And are much prettier." He smirked as she nudged him. "I'm just saying you have a much better chance with him than she does."

"I don't think that's it."

"Then what?"

"I don't know. I don't want to go into her head."

"Come on, we'll be late"


Hey guys! Sorry this one is super short, but I'm tired and wanna get this done tonight.

Let me know what you think!

Talk later,


A Stab at Normal (Maximoff Twins)Where stories live. Discover now