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Ethan walked with them to the Science Lab. Pietro went to hand in their slips when they were informed lab partners were already decided. The twins went rigid. The teacher, Mr. Allan, started reading off a list, telling everyone which station to sit down at. Pietro was placed with a girl named Emily Olsen. He scowled at the teacher before letting go of Wanda and going to sit with her. 

"Hi! I'm Emily" Pietro took her outstretched hand and shook it.


"Your girlfriends pretty." She said lightly. Pietro laughed.

"That's my sister, Wanda"

"Oh! Well, she's pretty."

"You seem very energetic, Emily"

"I get that a lot." She grinned. He turned back to the teacher, to find he was talking to Ethan, with Wanda standing nervously next to him. Pietro frowned. Mr. Allan put his hands above his head in surrender, and point to the station in front of him and Emily. They walked over and sat down.

"Are you okay?" Pietro asked Wanda through their mind link.

"I think so"

"What happened?"

"I was put with that girl over there and Ethan told him I didn't speak English very well and that I should be put with him so he could help me."

"I'm starting to like this Ethan" Wanda chuckled in front of him.

"Is she his girlfriend?" Emily asked.

"No, but he's a good friend."

"Good, I was about to be mad at Ethan for not telling me he had a girlfriend." Pietro laughed.

"Mr. Maximoff, care to share with the group?" The class all turned to him. 

"We were just catching up, sir."

"I suggest you wait until the bell rings"

"Yes, sir" Wanda was shaking her head, making him smirk.

When the bell rang, Wanda didn't even wait for her brother. She stood up and bolted out of the room, not even grabbing her notebook or pens. 

"I got it, go after her" Ethan told Pietro as he starting picking up her things. Pietro as fast as he could without actually using his speed. He found her in the corner by their lockers, sitting on the ground with her head in her hands and knees tucked up to her chest. A boy with dark hair stopped in the hallway and went and crouched in front of her, making Pietro run faster.

"I can get-"

"That's fine." Pietro cut him off, panting. "She's just going through a breakup."

"Oh, I am so sorry." The boy looked at her with pity, but Wanda didn't look up.

"It's fine, I'll take care of her" Pietro said hurriedly as the boy got up and went to his next class. he knelt beside her as Ethan came running up.

"Hey, it's me" He whispered to her. She looked up him with tears in her eyes. "What's wrong?"

"It hurts..." She whispered. 

"Does that usually happen?" Ethan asked worriedly.


"Her eyes?" Pietro looked back at her. He hadn't noticed her eyes were red.

"Yeah, it's fine," He told him, wrapping his arms around Wanda. "What can I do?" She just shook her head, whimpering. 

"Okay," He stood up and turned to Ethan. "I'm going to take her outside for a while, what's the punishment for being late?"

"Um...for Miss Archer...just a few minutes after class."

A Stab at Normal (Maximoff Twins)Where stories live. Discover now