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"What? You think he'd hurt you?" Ethan asked from where he was standing behind the counter at the bookstore.

"No, he wouldn't." Wanda was sitting on the counter, feet dangling off the edge. It was unprofessional but the owner didn't care. He liked her, anyway.

"Then why are you scared of him?"

"I'm not scared of him. I'm scared of the emotion itself. It makes people do irrational things. My father always used to say, 'remember what people say when they're angry. because that's when the truth comes out'."

"So, you're afraid he'll say something you don't wanna hear?"

"I suppose."

"Well, it's been an hour, you think he'd be cooled down by now?"


"Go, then. I'll come by later."



Pietro stood up from the table when he heard keys in the lock. Wanda came in and stopped when she saw him. They both stood there, just looking at each other, for what felt like hours. Wanda sighed, closed the door behind her and hung up her jacket.

"I'm going to bed." She said quietly.

"Wanda," He stopped her in the living room. "I'm not mad at you." He said gently.

"I know."

"Then why did you leave?"

"Well...I was mad."


"So I left."

"Where did you go?"

"The bookstore."

"It's closed, it's five o'clock"

"It's five o'clock?!" She ran back to the door and grabbed her jacket.

"Where are you going?"


"Wanda, stop. Maya's got it."

"She shouldn't have to work all day and all night."

"She said she would."


"I called her when I got home."


"I asked if she needed me."

"Since when does she turn down help?"

"Since you had a bad day." She sighed as he ran over to her, taking her jacket off.

"A bad day isn't an excuse." She said, rubbing her head.

"Sit down, Wanda. It's for one day. Besides, Monday nights are never busy." She let him pull her over to the couch. She brought her knees to her chest and put her head in her hands.

"Do you want some tea?" She shook her head. He sighed and sat beside her. "Wanda, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so angry over something so little." When she didn't say anything, he wrapped an arm around her. "I just didn't want her talking to you."

"People are allowed to talk, Pietro."

"I know, but the way she was looking at you made me anxious. You were already doing so good, I didn't want her to ruin that." She curled into his side.

"That's why I didn't want to tell you. You banned a man at the cafe for thinking I can't imagine what you would've done if you were to see her talking."

A Stab at Normal (Maximoff Twins)Where stories live. Discover now