Chapter 4

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Ada Johnson's P. O. V

Whatever sort of rational thoughts wanted to run through my brain fall short as my eyes meet those of the man in front of me. Piercing light blue eyes which shine in the glow of the fairy lights around us. Sharp angular features consisting of a sharp jawline, high cheekbones and soft blond hair falling over his forehead and nearly into his eyes. The man stands tall and firm with broad shoulders covered in a black suit jacket with a white shirt underneath, both which cling to his muscular physique in a stylish but not overbearing way. Long legs clad in black slacks with shiny black shoes to top it off. The first few buttons undone giving glimpses of a chiseled chest.

"Careful there," a deep voice chuckles as plump lips move in front of my eyes and firm hands grasp my waist, which I presume is what prevented me from falling face down in front of everyone. Blinking my eyes a few times, I offer the man a timid smile since I'm still somewhat in a sense of delirium. Shaking myself out of my thoughts, my lips curl into their own smile as I laugh softly at my own antics.

"Sorry about that. I should watch where I'm going." I mumble out an apology while the man's lips pull into a smirk as he shakes his head, "It's definitely not a problem when a gorgeous woman like you falls into my arms." At his words, my cheeks start to heat up but luckily my dark hair covers my cheeks partially. Only then do I realise his warm hands are still gripping onto my waist as my eyes dart down. The mystery man realises too and allows his hands to drop from my waist as he takes a small step back, the both of us still somewhat close as he towers above me even in my heels.

I go to say something but get cut off as a hand lands onto my shoulder and pulls me backwards. My eyebrows raise as Eva stands next to me, hand still in place as her eyes narrow and her lips thin. The man in front of me seems to find this amusing as his smirk grows wider and he crosses his arms over his chest, raising a blond eyebrow in return. "I see you've meet Ada." Eva replies stiffly as my own eyebrows raise at her cold tone. The woman is usually all smiles and sarcastic replies.

"Ada." The man states, almost as if he's testing out the words on his tongue before nodding to himself in appreciation. For some reason my insides churn at him saying my name and the blush deepens just a tad. Eva notices this and squeezes my shoulder almost as if she's warning me to stop.

How the hell do I control my hormones?

"Do you not have anything better to do Greg? Go flirt with some other poor woman whose willing." Eva grumbles as she gives him one last glare before turning me in the opposite direction. I can barely stop myself as my feet follow her however I allow myself one last glance behind my shoulder, only to see the man still staring back at me. The same mischievous expression on his face.

"Where are we going?" I ask Eva who directs me towards a table filled with various foods and people milling around it. As we stop in front of it, Eva hands me a plate and gets one for herself as she shrugs, "I know you'll be pissed at me for dragging you away from that dipshit but you love food so you won't be that pissed. I hope?" I chuckle at her choice of words as I step forwards and place a few things onto my plate. We then head towards the back of the garden where there's a lesser crowd and only a few people who are minding their own business and talking on the phone here and there.

"You know, if you liked that Greg guy. You can tell me and I'll step back really fast." As soon as I say that, Eva's face scrunches up into disgust and I almost think that she's about to throw her food up in a minute. She closes her eyes and squeezes her eyes shut as if I've said the worlds most grossest thing imaginable. "Jeez, What did I say that's so wrong?" I mumble to which she shivers.

"That annoying man is like a brother to me. The very thought makes me want to heave Ada." The woman grumbles as her lips thin and she shivers once more. "Oh," I mutter in thought with brows furrowed, "Then why did you drag me away from him like he had the bubonic plague or something?" Eva let's out a laugh as she shakes her head, curly black hair flying around her face. "I did that because that man is no good. He's a player Ada. Always running around after the new hot commodity and then dropping her as quick as he's done with her. Trust me, if he was good for you. I'd be setting you both up faster than Cupid ever could." She states matter of factly as she finishes off her food. All while I groan in dismay.

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